Resources and research about mosquito borne diseases
Queensland Health management plans
- Queensland Joint Strategic Framework for Mosquito Management 2010 2015 (PDF, 260KB) This document is under review
- Queensland dengue management plan 2015-2020 (PDF, 2.2MB) This document is under review
- Queensland Chikungunya management plan 2014-2019 (PDF, 919KB) This document is under review
- Guidelines for controlling public health risks relating to mosquitoes, flies and black flies in flood events (PDF, 54KB)
- Guidelines to minimise mosquito and biting midge problems in new development areas (PDF, 194KB) (this document is under review)
- Treatment Advice for Pest Management Technicians: for control of Aedes aegypti mosquitoes (vector of Zika and dengue) (PDF, 704KB)
- Framework for Risk Assessment and Response for Incursion of Exotic Mosquitoes into a New Location in Queensland (PDF 976 kB)
- Interim Queensland Japanese Encephalitis Virus Mosquito Surveillance and Control Plan(PDF 1252 kB)- outlines the key elements of mosquito surveillance and control actions for JEV in Queensland.
Queensland Health communicable disease guidelines
Visit our A to Z of communicable diseases to access clinical guidelines, notification forms, data and easy to read fact sheets for all notifiable conditions in Queensland.
Queensland legislation
- Public Health Act 2005 (PDF, 1.05MB)
- Pest Management Act 2001 (PDF, 487KB)
- Pest Management Regulation 2003 (PDF, 324KB)
Brochures and posters
- Information for occupants survey sheet (PDF, 1.38MB)—surveillance flyer for local government offices to leave with home occupants.
- Mozzies and you - don't get bugged (PDF, 1MB)—information for the public about how to recognise potential mosquito breeding sites around the home.
- Mozzies and you in the workplace brochure (PDF, 1.52MB)—information for industry and workplaces, about how to recognise potential mosquito breeding around the workplace
- Rain water tanks: A Guide to keeping your tank safe (PDF, 825KB) - information on maintaining your water tank.
- Bush mosquito poster (A4)-How to protect yourself from mosquitoes when boating, camping and fishing (PDF, 984KB)
- Zika brochures for North Queensland:
- Zika general information (PDF, 213KB)
- Zika and your pregnancy (PDF, 204KB)
- Dengue and Zika mosquito prevention (PDF, 737KB)
- How to use insect surface spray to kill mosquitoes in your home (PDF, 161KB)
- Zika posters for North Queensland:
- Zika and travel (A3) (PDF, 185KB)
- Zika prevention information (A3) (PDF, 182KB)
- Zika brochures for Torres Strait:
- Zika general information (PDF, 207KB)
- Zika and your pregnancy (PDF, 218KB)
- Dengue and Zika mosquito prevention (PDF, 737KB)
Training for local government
The Mosquito Control Association of Australia offers training courses and conferences for local government officers involved in mosquito control activities.
Queensland Health supports skills development in mosquito identification and surveillance for Queensland Health and local government staff involved in mosquito management activities.
Other Australian resources
- Mosquito Management Code of Practice (PDF 1.33MB) (Local Government Association of Queensland)
- Response guide for exotic mosquito detections at Australian first points of entry (PDF 484KB) (Australian Government Department of Health Aug 2017)
- Communicable Diseases Network of Australia
- National Arbovirus and Malaria Advisory Committee (NAMAC)
- Bureau of Meteorology
- Smart Traveller
- NSW Arbovirus Surveillance and Vector Monitoring Program
International resources
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, USA
- Pan American Health Organization
- World Health Organization (WHO)
- Global Strategy for Dengue Prevention and Control 2012- 2020 (WHO)
- American Mosquito Control Association
Queensland Health is responsible for recording data on all notifiable mosquito borne diseases in Queensland. Contact us for more information on data requests.