Participating pharmacies
Find a participating pharmacy by searching the directory below.
It is important to note that not all Queensland pharmacies are participating in a community pharmacy pilot, and some participating pharmacies may only offer the hormonal contraception service.
Where a pharmacy is listed as providing ‘All services’ this indicates that the pharmacy is providing the full range of pilot services.
These services include reflux, nausea and vomiting, hay fever, school sores, shingles, eczema, mild psoriasis, mild to moderate acne, minor wound management, ear infections, mild pain and inflammation, cardiovascular disease risk reduction, asthma management, obstructive pulmonary disease management, quit smoking support, oral health screening and fluoride application, travel health, weight and obesity management, hormonal contraception.
We recommend you contact the pharmacy to check availability before visiting. Some pharmacies may allow walk-in consultations, others may require a booking. The days and times pilot services are available will also differ between pharmacies.
The directory is updated daily.