We're responsible for providing clinical guidance for state-funded health services that provide mental health, alcohol and other drug treatment and care.
The Department of Health, including the Chief Psychiatrist, has developed a range of tools for health care providers including:
- governance frameworks
- clinical guidelines
- models of service frameworks
- policies
- flowcharts, clinical notes and forms to use in clinical settings.
Our partners, including Hospital and Health Services and non-government organisations, have also developed a range of educational and training resources for health care providers.
Brochures, videos and fact sheets for patients treated under the Mental Health Act 2016
Health care providers can use our mental health brochures to help patients, carers and support persons:
- learn about the Mental Health Act 2016
- understand their rights and responsibilities
- find out about mental health orders and treatment.
You can share the resources with your patients.
Portal for private authorised mental health services
Health care providers at private authorised mental health services can log in to the private portal for information and resources about the Mental Health Act 2016.
Last updated: 5 September 2024