The Chief Psychiatrist is responsible for publishing policies, guides and resources about the Mental Health Act 2016 and persons receiving treatment and care under the Act.

The Chief Psychiatrist has developed these to support compliance with the Act.

All Chief Psychiatrist policies are mandatory for any person performing a function or exercising a power under the Mental Health Act 2016. This includes authorised mental health service and staff such as authorised doctors, authorised mental health practitioners or administrators.

The Office of the Chief Psychiatrist is reviewing all policies from July 2023 to June 2026. The policies on this page remain in effect until the updated policy is published, irrespective of the ‘to be reviewed by’ date.

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Filtered by:
Resource name Resource type Topic category
Chief Psychiatrist annual report 2019-20ReportAdministration and reporting
Making directions for mental healthFact sheetConsent and treatment authorities
Mental Health Court update report - interactive versionFormCourts and persons charged with offences or in custody
Psychiatrist report: Flow charts 2(a)–(b) - Report on requestFlow chartCourts and persons charged with offences or in custody
Psychiatrist report: Flow chart 3 - Chief Psychiatrist initiativeFlow chartCourts and persons charged with offences or in custody
Example instrument of appointment for authorised doctors, for 'Appointment of authorised doctors and authorised mental health practitioners' policyTemplateAdministration and reporting
Psychiatrist report: Flow chart 4 - Determining referral to Mental Health CourtFlow chartCourts and persons charged with offences or in custody
Enduring documents (advance health directives and enduring powers of attorney)ChecklistConsent and treatment authorities
Chief Psychiatrist annual report 2020-21ReportAdministration and reporting
Inpatient treatment of individuals subject to Dangerous Prisoners (Sexual Offenders) Act OrdersPolicyCourts and persons charged with offences or in custody
Terms of reference for Chief Psychiatrist Complex Care PanelTerms of referenceTreatment and care
Referral to complex care panel - interactive versionFormTreatment and care
Request for statement of reasons for Tribunal's decision - interactive versionFormMental Health Review Tribunal
Example instrument of appointment for authorised mental health practitioners, for 'Appointment of authorised doctors and authorised mental health practitioners' policyTemplateAdministration and reporting
MHA2016 eLearning course: Modules for authorised doctors and authorised mental health practitionersPolicyAdministration and reporting
Interstate mental health patients in QueenslandFact sheetTransfers, transport and absence
Mental Health Court: Tips for attending a hearingFact sheetCourts and persons charged with offences or in custody
Chief Psychiatrist Annual Report 2021-2022ReportAdministration and reporting
Application for Information NoticeFormVictims of crime
Chief Psychiatrist Annual Report 2022-23ReportAdministration and reporting
Queensland Safety Priorities in Mental Health Alcohol and Other Drugs CareFrameworkTreatment and care
Mental Health Act 2016 Report: Review into the use of Seclusion, Mechanical Restraint and Physical Restraint under the Queensland Mental Health Act 2016ReportSeclusion and restraint
Queensland Health Response to Mental Health Act 2016 Report - Seclusion and restraintReportSeclusion and restraint
Co-occurring substance use disorders and other mental health disorders: Policy position statement for mental health alcohol and other drugs services (2021)Guideline
Rights of family, carers and support people (Mental Health Act 2016)Video presentationPatient rights and support
Your rights at the MHRT (Mental Health Act 2016)Video presentationPatient rights and support
Advance Health Directive for Mental Health - Mental Health Act (Qld) 2016Video presentationConsent and treatment authorities
How to make a complaint about your treatment and care - Mental Health Act 2016 (Qld)Video presentationPatient rights and support
Your rights to information (Mental Health Act 2016)Video presentationPatient rights and support
Your right to second opinion (Mental Health Act 2016)Video presentationPatient rights and support
Your right for legal representation (Mental Health Act 2016)Video presentationPatient rights and support
Prohibited items in hospitalVideo presentationSearches and security
What to do if your mental or physical health is getting worse - Mental Health Act 2016 (Qld)Video presentationTreatment and care
Transition of care for young people receiving child and youth mental health servicesGuidelineChildren and minors
Chief-Psychiatrist-Annual-Report-2023-24ReportAdministration and reporting
Psychiatrist reports for people in custodyFact sheetCourts and persons charged with offences or in custody
Schedule of authorised mental health services and administratorsPolicyAdministration and reporting
Caring for a person experiencing hallucinationsGuidelineTreatment and care
Director of Mental Health annual report 2014-15ReportAdministration and reporting
Memorandum of Understanding between QH and Department of Justice and Attorney-General - Court Liaison Service arrangements (22 February 2012)AgreementInformation sharing and disclosure
Director of Mental Health annual report 2013-14ReportAdministration and reporting
The Administration of Electroconvulsive Therapy GuidelineGuidelineECT and regulated treatments
Operating guidelines between Queensland Health and Queensland Corrective Services (confidential information disclosure)GuidelineInformation sharing and disclosure
SearchesFact sheetSearches and security
A guide to the Mental Health Act 2016 (MHA16)GuidelineTreatment and care
Overview of the ActFact sheetTreatment and care
Queensland Interagency Agreement for the Safe Transport of People Accessing Mental Health Assessment, Treatment and Care 2019AgreementTransfers, transport and absence
Patient rightsFact sheetPatient rights and support
Support for victimsFact sheetVictims of crime
Independent patient rights advisersFact sheetPatient rights and support
Conditions of bailFact sheetCourts and persons charged with offences or in custody
Magistrates CourtFact sheetCourts and persons charged with offences or in custody
Chief PsychiatristFact sheetAdministration and reporting
Rights of family, carers and other support personsFact sheetPatient rights and support
Objects and principlesFact sheetTreatment and care
Treatment and care of minorsFact sheetChildren and minors
Seclusion and restraintFact sheetSeclusion and restraint
Psychiatrist reportsFact sheetCourts and persons charged with offences or in custody
Regulated treatmentsFact sheetECT and regulated treatments
Rural and remote servicesFact sheetAdministration and reporting
Examination authority processFlow chartExaminations and assessments
Treatment authoritiesFact sheetConsent and treatment authorities
Mental Health CourtFact sheetCourts and persons charged with offences or in custody
Classified patientsFact sheetClassified patients
Examination authoritiesFact sheetExaminations and assessments
Treatment support ordersFact sheetForensic orders and treatment support orders
Examinations and assessmentsFact sheetExaminations and assessments
Treatment in the communityFact sheetTreatment and care
Emergency examination authoritiesFact sheetExaminations and assessments
Transport powers for police officersFact sheetTransfers, transport and absence
Advance health directives and less restrictive way of treatmentFact sheetConsent and treatment authorities
Mental Health Review TribunalFact sheetMental Health Review Tribunal
Transport of patientsFact sheetTransfers, transport and absence
Transport powers for ambulance officersFact sheetTransfers, transport and absence
Individuals with an intellectual disabilityFact sheetForensic orders and treatment support orders
Role of nominated support personsFact sheetPatient rights and support
Transfer of responsibility for patients transferred between servicesFact sheetTransfers, transport and absence
SeclusionPolicySeclusion and restraint
Support to the Mental Health Review TribunalPolicyMental Health Review Tribunal
Patient recordsPolicyAdministration and reporting
Clinical need for medicationPolicySeclusion and restraint
Classified patientsPolicyClassified patients
Schedule of administrator delegations under the Mental Health Act 2016TemplateAdministration and reporting
Physical restraintPolicySeclusion and restraint
Mechanical restraintPolicySeclusion and restraint
Managing involuntary patient absencesPolicyTransfers, transport and absence
Treatment and care of patientsPolicyTreatment and care
Electroconvulsive therapyPolicyECT and regulated treatments
Independent patient rights advisersPolicyPatient rights and support
Management of complaints and right to a second opinionPolicyPatient rights and support
Treatment criteria, assessment of capacity, less restrictive way and advance health directivesPolicyConsent and treatment authorities
Psychiatrist reports for persons charged with a serious offencePolicyCourts and persons charged with offences or in custody
Notifications to the Chief Psychiatrist of critical incidents and non-compliance with the Mental Health Act 2016PolicyAdministration and reporting
What you need to discuss with patients: A reference guide for cliniciansFact sheetInformation sharing and disclosure
Memorandum of Understanding between QH and Qld Police Service (QPS) - Mental Health Collaboration (15 June 2017)AgreementInformation sharing and disclosure
Information Sharing Agreement between Queensland Health and Queensland Corrective Services (confidential information disclosure) dated 14 July 2023AgreementInformation sharing and disclosure
Form of warrant - interactive versionFormTransfers, transport and absence
Examination and assessmentPolicyExaminations and assessments
Transfer recommendation (classified patient)FormClassified patients
Psychiatrist report - print versionFormCourts and persons charged with offences or in custody
Classified patient notice event - interactive versionFormClassified patients
Notice to administrator: Person not participating in good faith - interactive versionFormCourts and persons charged with offences or in custody
Proceedings no longer suspended - interactive versionFormClassified patients
Administrator consent (classified patient) - interactive versionFormClassified patients
Reduction and elimination plan (seclusion and mechanical restraint) - interactive versionFormSeclusion and restraint
Recommendation for assessment - interactive versionFormExaminations and assessments
Notice of suspension of proceeding - print versionFormCourts and persons charged with offences or in custody
Request for psychiatrist report - interactive versionFormCourts and persons charged with offences or in custody
Request to extend timeframe for psychiatrist report - interactive versionFormCourts and persons charged with offences or in custody
Chief Psychiatrist direction for psychiatrist report - print versionFormCourts and persons charged with offences or in custody
Patient transfer - interactive versionFormTransfers, transport and absence
Return to and release from seclusion - interactive versionFormSeclusion and restraint
Extension of seclusion - interactive versionFormSeclusion and restraint
Custodian consent (classified patient) - interactive versionFormClassified patients
Warrant for apprehension of person - interactive versionFormTransfers, transport and absence
Clinical note for Physical restraint - interactive versionFormSeclusion and restraint
Application for warrant for apprehension of person - interactive versionFormTransfers, transport and absence
Transfers and transportPolicyTransfers, transport and absence
Revocation of recommendation for assessment - interactive versionFormExaminations and assessments
Emergency authorisation of seclusion - interactive versionFormSeclusion and restraint
Chief Psychiatrist approval: Temporary absences and limited community treatment for particular patients - interactive versionFormTransfers, transport and absence
Limited community treatment (LCT) access and return - interactive versionFormTreatment and care
Order or authority amendment - interactive versionFormTreatment and care
Advice to Chief Psychiatrist (public interest consideration) - interactive versionFormCourts and persons charged with offences or in custody
Authority to transport absent person - interactive versionFormTransfers, transport and absence
Revocation of authority to transport absent person - interactive versionFormTransfers, transport and absence
Clinical note for Involuntary patient and voluntary high risk patient summary - print versionFormTreatment and care
Forensic orders and treatment support orders (amending category, conditions and limited community treatment)PolicyForensic orders and treatment support orders
Examination authoritiesPolicyExaminations and assessments
Application for approval to use mechanical restraint - interactive versionFormSeclusion and restraint
Authorisation of mechanical restraint - interactive versionFormSeclusion and restraint
Certificate to perform emergency electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) - interactive versionFormECT and regulated treatments
Treatment authority - interactive versionFormConsent and treatment authorities
Revocation of treatment authority - interactive versionFormConsent and treatment authorities
Treatment authoritiesPolicyConsent and treatment authorities
Outcome of examination under an examination authority - interactive versionFormExaminations and assessments
Temporary absencePolicyTransfers, transport and absence
Application for information notice - interactive versionFormVictims of crime
Application for classified patient information - interactive versionFormVictims of crime
Written notices and documents for patientsFact sheetInformation sharing and disclosure
Forensic ordersFact sheetForensic orders and treatment support orders
Application for internal review of a decision about seizure or forfeiture - interactive versionFormSearches and security
Treatment and care of patients subject to a forensic order, treatment support order or other identified higher risk patientsPolicyForensic orders and treatment support orders
Requests for a psychiatrist report for a serious offenceFAQCourts and persons charged with offences or in custody
Service model guidelines for Independent patient rights advisersGuidelinePatient rights and support
Examination order - interactive versionFormExaminations and assessments
Examination report - interactive versionFormExaminations and assessments
Judicial orders (Examination orders, court examination orders and other judicial orders)PolicyCourts and persons charged with offences or in custody
Searches and securityPolicySearches and security
Appointment of authorised doctors and authorised mental health practitionersPolicyAdministration and reporting
Example procedures and applications for appointment, for 'Appointment of authorised doctors and authorised mental health practitioners' policyTemplateAdministration and reporting
Examination ordersFAQExaminations and assessments
Treatment and care of minorsPolicyChildren and minors
Victim information: Classified patientsFact sheetVictims of crime
Court Liaison ServicePolicyCourts and persons charged with offences or in custody
Request for information from prosecuting authority - interactive versionFormCourts and persons charged with offences or in custody
Notification of critical incidents (private sector authorised mental health services) - interactive versionFormAdministration and reporting
Advance health directives for mental health: Guide and form - print versionFormConsent and treatment authorities
Advance health directives - Mental Health Act 2016BrochureConsent and treatment authorities
Guide to patient rightsGuidelinePatient rights and support
Nominated support person: Guide and form - interactive versionFormPatient rights and support
Know your rights (Poster 1)PosterPatient rights and support
Know your rights (Poster 2)PosterPatient rights and support
Know your rights (Poster 3)PosterPatient rights and support
Revocation or resignation of advance health directive (or appointed attorney) - interactive versionFormConsent and treatment authorities
Revocation or resignation of appointed nominated support person - interactive versionFormPatient rights and support
Statement of rightsPosterPatient rights and support
Support persons brochure - Mental Health Act 2016BrochurePatient rights and support
Your rights brochure - Mental Health Act 2016BrochurePatient rights and support
Advance health directives for mental health: Guide and form - interactive versionFormConsent and treatment authorities
Role of the Court Liaison Service in the Magistrates CourtFact sheetCourts and persons charged with offences or in custody
Legal representation at tribunal hearingsFAQMental Health Review Tribunal
Instrument of delegation - Powers and functions of authorised mental health service administratorsTemplateAdministration and reporting
Administrator consent (classified patient) - print versionFormClassified patients
Application for internal review of a decision about seizure or forfeiture - print versionFormSearches and security
Advice to Chief Psychiatrist (public interest consideration) - print versionFormCourts and persons charged with offences or in custody
Application for warrant for apprehension of person - print versionFormTransfers, transport and absence
Application for classified patient information - print versionFormVictims of crime
Application for approval to use mechanical restraint - print versionFormSeclusion and restraint
Authorisation of mechanical restraint - print versionFormSeclusion and restraint
Authorisation of seclusion - print versionFormSeclusion and restraint
Authority to transport absent person - print versionFormTransfers, transport and absence
Certificate to perform emergency electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) - print versionFormECT and regulated treatments
Chief Psychiatrist approval: Temporary absences and limited community treatment for particular patients - print versionFormTransfers, transport and absence
Patient transfer - print versionFormTransfers, transport and absence
Classified patient notice event - print versionFormClassified patients
Custodian consent (classified patient) - print versionFormClassified patients
Emergency authorisation of seclusion - print versionFormSeclusion and restraint
Examination order - print versionFormExaminations and assessments
Examination report - print versionFormExaminations and assessments
Extension of seclusion - print versionFormSeclusion and restraint
Form of warrant - print versionFormTransfers, transport and absence
Limited community treatment (LCT) access and return - print versionFormTreatment and care
Notice to administrator: Person not participating in good faith - print versionFormCourts and persons charged with offences or in custody
Notification of critical incidents (private sector authorised mental health services) - print versionFormAdministration and reporting
Order or authority amendment - print versionFormTreatment and care
Outcome of examination under an examination authority - print versionFormExaminations and assessments
Proceedings no longer suspended - print versionFormClassified patients
Recommendation for assessment - print versionFormExaminations and assessments
Reduction and elimination plan (seclusion and mechanical restraint) - print versionFormSeclusion and restraint
Request to extend timeframe for psychiatrist report - print versionFormCourts and persons charged with offences or in custody
Request for police assistance - print versionFormTransfers, transport and absence
Request for psychiatrist report - print versionFormCourts and persons charged with offences or in custody
Return to and release from seclusion - print versionFormSeclusion and restraint
Revocation of authority to transport absent person - print versionFormTransfers, transport and absence
Revocation of recommendation for assessment - print versionFormExaminations and assessments
Revocation of treatment authority - print versionFormConsent and treatment authorities
Transfer recommendation (classified patient) - print versionFormClassified patients
Treatment authority - print versionFormConsent and treatment authorities
Warrant for apprehension of person - print versionFormTransfers, transport and absence
Know your rights (Poster 4)PosterPatient rights and support
Arabic - Advance health directivesBrochureConsent and treatment authorities
Chinese (simplified) - Advance health directivesBrochureConsent and treatment authorities
Chinese (traditional) - Advance health directivesBrochureConsent and treatment authorities
Dinka - Advance health directivesBrochureConsent and treatment authorities
Japanese - Advance health directivesBrochureConsent and treatment authorities
Persian - Advance health directivesBrochureConsent and treatment authorities
Samoan - Advance health directivesBrochureConsent and treatment authorities
Spanish - Advance health directivesBrochureConsent and treatment authorities
Swahili - Advance health directivesBrochureConsent and treatment authorities
Tamil - Advance health directivesBrochureConsent and treatment authorities
Vietnamese - Advance health directivesBrochureConsent and treatment authorities
Arabic - Statement of rightsBrochurePatient rights and support
Chinese (simplified) - Statement of rightsBrochurePatient rights and support
Dinka - Statement of rightsBrochurePatient rights and support
Japanese - Statement of rightsBrochurePatient rights and support
Persian - Statement of rightsBrochurePatient rights and support
Samoan - Statement of rightsBrochurePatient rights and support
Spanish - Statement of rightsBrochurePatient rights and support
Swahili - Statement of rightsBrochurePatient rights and support
Tamil - Statement of rightsBrochurePatient rights and support
Vietnamese - Statement of rightsBrochurePatient rights and support
Arabic - Support personsBrochurePatient rights and support
Chinese (simplified) - Support personsBrochurePatient rights and support
Chinese (traditional) - Support personsBrochurePatient rights and support
Dinka - Support personsBrochurePatient rights and support
Japanese - Support personsBrochurePatient rights and support
Persian - Support personsBrochurePatient rights and support
Samoan - Support personsBrochurePatient rights and support
Spanish - Support personsBrochurePatient rights and support
Swahili - Support personsBrochurePatient rights and support
Tamil - Support personsBrochurePatient rights and support
Vietnamese - Support personsBrochurePatient rights and support
Arabic - Your rightsBrochurePatient rights and support
Chinese (simplified) - Your rightsBrochurePatient rights and support
Chinese (traditional) - Your rightsBrochurePatient rights and support
Dinka - Your rightsBrochurePatient rights and support
Japanese - Your rightsBrochurePatient rights and support
Persian - Your rightsBrochurePatient rights and support
Samoan - Your rightsBrochurePatient rights and support
Spanish - Your rightsBrochurePatient rights and support
Swahili - Your rightsBrochurePatient rights and support
Tamil - Your rightsBrochurePatient rights and support
Vietnamese - Your rightsBrochurePatient rights and support
Chinese (traditional) - Statement of rightsBrochurePatient rights and support
Model of service for Mental health support of police negotiator program (March 2017)GuidelineInformation sharing and disclosure
Department of Forensic Disability: Application for information notice - interactive versionFormVictims of crime
Department of Forensic Disability: Application for information notice - print versionFormVictims of crime
Director of Mental Health annual report 2015-16ReportAdministration and reporting
Chief Psychiatrist annual report 2016-17ReportAdministration and reporting
Absent without approval (AWA) pathwayFlow chartTransfers, transport and absence
Tips for making application to the Mental Health Review Tribunal for step downFact sheetForensic orders and treatment support orders
Assessment and Risk Management Committee evaluation report (December 2017)ReportAdministration and reporting
Care of forensic order (disability) patientsFAQForensic orders and treatment support orders
A Guide to Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) for Consumers and CarersGuidelineECT and regulated treatments
Information about electroconvulsive therapy (ECT): A fact sheet for you and your familyBrochureECT and regulated treatments
Chief Psychiatrist annual report 2017-18ReportAdministration and reporting
Agreement between Queensland and New South Wales - Interstate application of mental health laws (16 November 2018)AgreementTransfers, transport and absence
Agreement between Queensland and New South Wales - Interstate application of mental health laws: Civil interstate transfer noticeFormTransfers, transport and absence
Agreement between Queensland and New South Wales - Interstate application of mental health laws: Request to apprehendFormTransfers, transport and absence
Audit tool: Facilities and support provided to the Mental Health Review Tribunal, for 'Support to the Mental Health Review Tribunal' policyChecklistMental Health Review Tribunal
Notification to Chief Psychiatrist of significant non-compliance with the Act - interactive versionFormAdministration and reporting
Seclusion: Flow chart 1 - Seclusion and emergency seclusionFlow chartSeclusion and restraint
Seclusion: Flow chart 2 - Reduction and elimination planFlow chartSeclusion and restraint
Evaluation of the Mental Health Act 2016 implementationReportAdministration and reporting
Evaluation of the Mental Health Act 2016 implementation highlights reportReportAdministration and reporting
Violence risk assessment and management framework, mental health, alcohol and other drug servicesFrameworkTreatment and care
Acute sedation: Using medicine to calm (adult mental health)Fact sheetSeclusion and restraint
Acute sedation: Using medicine to calm (child and youth mental health)Fact sheetSeclusion and restraint
Capacity assessment for adults - print versionFormConsent and treatment authorities
Capacity assessment for child and youth - print versionFormChildren and minors
Guide for using the 'Capacity assessment for adults' formGuidelineConsent and treatment authorities
Guide for using the 'Capacity assessment for child and youth' formGuidelineChildren and minors
Decision maker information checklist for Child and Youth Mental Health ServicesChecklistChildren and minors
Guide for using the 'Decision maker information checklist for Child and Youth Mental Health Services'GuidelineChildren and minors
Decision making for adultsFlow chartConsent and treatment authorities
Decision making for child and youthFlow chartChildren and minors
Less restrictive wayGuidelineTreatment and care
Physical restraint (adult mental health)Fact sheetSeclusion and restraint
Physical restraint (child and youth mental health)Fact sheetSeclusion and restraint
Classified patients: Flow chart 1 - Transport for assessmentFlow chartClassified patients
Classified patients: Flow chart 2 - Transport for treatment and careFlow chartClassified patients
Chief Psychiatrist annual report 2018-19ReportAdministration and reporting
Overnight confinement for security purposes at high security unitsPolicySeclusion and restraint
Advance health directives (AHD), enduring powers of attorney (EPOA), guardians and administrators: Guide and formGuidelineConsent and treatment authorities
Guidelines for preparing psychiatrist reports (Chapter 4 reports)GuidelineCourts and persons charged with offences or in custody
Determining if a recommendation for assessment can be madeFlow chartExaminations and assessments
Magistrates examination orderFlow chartExaminations and assessments
Psychiatrist report: Flow chart 1 - OverviewFlow chartCourts and persons charged with offences or in custody

Last updated: 24 October 2024