Where can parents, families and carers find more help?
New parents are provided with many resources from their health care providers. The Child Health Information booklet (PDF, 1.4MB) provides information on a range of topics, including stages of development, breastfeeding, introduction to complementary foods and physical activity.
For further assistance, parents, carers or families can be referred to:
Access to health professionals
- 13HEALTH – 13 43 25 84 (24 hours local call)
- General practitioner
- Child health nurse
- Child Health: Babies and Toddlers, Queensland Government
- Multicultural Health, Queensland Government
- Child and Youth Health, South Australian Government
- Healthdirect, Australian Government
- Raising Children Network, Australia Government
- Better Health Channel, Victorian Government
- National Prescribing Service, Australian Government (Medications and breastfeeding)
- Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ)
- World Health Organization (WHO)
- Australian Breastfeeding Association (ABA) – 1800 686 268 – 24 hours free call
- Lactation Consultants of Australia and New Zealand (LCANZ)
- Beyond Blue or 1300 22 4636 (24 hours local call)
For emergency situations, parents, families and carers should call 000 (Queensland Ambulance Service) or their nearest hospital.