Clinical Governance - Office of the Chief Allied Health Officer
Clinical governance for allied health professions in Queensland Health refers to a collection of processes and practices designed to enable managers and clinicians to share responsibility and accountability for quality of care, continuous improvement, minimisation of risks to patients, and encourage continuous improvement in our Hospitals and Health Services (adapted from the Australian Council on Health Care Standards, 2017) .
Conceptual representation of allied health clinical governance
Clinical governance framework
The Allied Health Clinical Governance Framework in Queensland Health (PDF, 620KB) draws together clinical governance principles, structures, policies and processes to provide a systematic and consistent approach to delivering quality clinical care across Queensland Health.
This Clinical Governance Framework is a resource that allows flexibility for local implementation into diverse work areas and facilities that are serviced by allied health professionals.
Credentialing is the process of verifying an individual’s qualifications and experience to form a view about their competence, performance and professional suitability to provide a high level of care within their given scope of practice.
Staff working within Queensland Health services must practice in accordance with the Credentialing and defining the scope of clinical practice Health Service Directive (#QH-HSD-034:2013).
The Guideline for credentialing, defining the scope of clinical practice and professional support for allied health professionals (#QH HSDGDL-034-1:2015) describes recommendations for allied health professionals working within the Queensland Public Health System.
In order to abide by the Credentialing and defining the scope of clinical practice Health Service Directive additional credentialing processes are required for Allied health professionals who wish to perform practices that are not recognised as being within the scope of their profession (extended scope practice).
The links below provide credentialing templates, application forms and letters that can be modified for use by local credentialing committees. Please note, these templates are not mandatory and many Hospital and Health Services will have their own local forms for these purposes. Allied health practitioners who believe they may require credentialing, including all practitioners external to Queensland Health, must contact the individual Hospital and Health Service.
Credentialing for external allied health professionals or allied health professionals engaging in extended scope practices
- New application form (DOC 386 kB) - use for an allied health professional who has not been credentialed for an extended scope practice in a hospital and health service in the last 3 years
- Mutual recognition application form (DOC 381 kB) - use for mutual recognition of extended scope practices in another facility or HHS
- Re-application form (DOC 703 kB) - use for review of current credentialing and extended scope of practice
- Approval in emergent situation template (DOC 381 kB) - sample letter from Executive Director to applicants granting interim approval
- Referee report (DOC 386 kB)
- Supervisor report (DOC 343 kB
Return to practice
The Return to practice guideline for the allied health workforce (PDF, 639KB) was created for Hospital and Health Services (HHSs) to support health practitioners wishing to return to practice after a period of absence or who wish to change their area of clinical practice. It contains information for all allied health employees, clinical supervisors, managers, contractors and consultants within Queensland HHSs.
The guideline provides recommendations regarding best practice for supporting allied health professionals returning to practice or changing areas of practice with the aim of ensuring clinical safety and competence during the re-entry and change of practice process.
Supporting clinicians to return to practice will ensure that re-entrants practise safely and competently, in accordance with the Allied Health Clinical Governance Framework.