Urinary catheter (IDC or SPC): trouble-shooting a blocked catheter
This information does not replace clinical judgement. Refer to Conditions of use and copyright for further T&Cs.
Urinary catheters are subject to blocking, which if not recognised and managed in a timely and appropriate manner, can cause significant distress to the resident and result in bladder and / or kidney damage. All clinicians providing care to residents with urinary catheters should be familiar with how to assess for and remedy a blocked catheter.
The flowchart shows all of the information at one time. Health professionals should always remain within their scope of practice; these pathways should never replace clinical judgement.
Click the link below to view the full flowchart.
Practice points
The practice points are a systemised documentation of expanded relevant information - use only in conjunction with the flowchart - note, you can access each relevant point from the flowchart link.
A blocked urinary catheter should be suspected if there is any of the following:
- Lack of urine output from catheter
- Urine bypassing the catheter
- Suprapubic discomfort or pain or distension
- In a cognitively impaired resident with a catheter suprapubic discomfort or pain may manifest as an acute behavioural disturbance or delirium
- In a resident with spinal cord injury above T6 level, suspect and assess for blocked urinary catheter if there is clinical evidence of autonomic dysreflexia
Confirm the diagnosis using structured assessment outlined in practice point 2.
The purpose of a structured assessment in the resident with a suspected blocked urinary catheter is to confirm or exclude the diagnosis of a blocked urinary catheter. The structured assessment is performed after confirming the resident has stable vital signs and involves the following:
- Examine the drainage bag tubing to assess for flow of urine from the catheter to the drainage bag - where there is no (or minimal) urine draining from the catheter into the drainage bag, suspect a blocked catheter.
- Assess whether the catheter tip remains in the bladder or whether it has been dislodged into the urethra by looking for evidence of urethral bleeding and asking the resident about whether they are experiencing penile and / or perineal pain.
- Assess for a distended bladder - this may be performed via a bladder scan or where this is unavailable or the clinician is not trained in use, a clinical assessment.
Clinical assessment for a distended bladder is performed by:
- Gently palpating (feeling) from the umbilicus down to the pelvic bone - a distended bladder is felt as a smooth, firm mass arising from the midline above the pubic bone.
- Percussion using an indirect percussion technique - this is well described here.
Percussion produces a dull sound over bladder, distinguished from the resonant sound produced when percussion is over bowel.
It should be noted that clinical assessment for a distended bladder is not as accurate as performing a bladder scan. Additionally, where a resident has a blocked catheter and urine is bypassing the catheter, the bladder may not be distended despite a blocked catheter. Therefore, where high index of suspicion exists or where a resident has a bypassing catheter with no or minimal urine draining from the catheter, it may still be reasonable to change the catheter in consultation with the resident’s GP.
Where the resident has recurrent IDC / SPC blockages:
- Encourage fluid intake if clinically appropriate and consider reduction to intake of calcium in diet.
- Avoid constipation.
- Maintain unobstructed urine flow:
- Prevent collecting tube kinking
- Ensure collecting bag is below level of bladder at all times
- Empty prior to bag being ¾ full
- Maintain a closed drainage system
- Check catheter for encrustation: On removal of IDC / SPC - check the catheter surface for signs of encrustation. Where there is no evidence of encrustation externally, cut the length of the catheter to assess the lumen for evidence of encrustation - take care to avoid sharps injury.
If present:- Cease ural or urinary alkalinisers
- GP to consider:
- Optimising fluid intake where clinically appropriate
- Investigation for bladder stones with ultrasound
- Institute planned approach to catheter change:
Ensure that a clear catheter plan of care is kept including dates of insertion, type of catheter used and date of onset of any symptoms of blockage. For residents with recurrent IDC / SPC blockage a planned approach to catheter changes can minimise catheter blockage. The regimen should be guided by the length of time a catheter remains patent prior to blocking, with the goal being to avoid unscheduled catheter changes by proactively planning a catheter change. Establish a pattern of catheter life, averaging the time to change over three catheter changes to guide an individualised approach to planned catheter change. - Consider change to catheter type or size:
- Increased catheter lumen size
- Change to 100% silicone catheter (silicone catheters have a larger lumen for the same Fr gauge)
- Where there is clinical evidence of catheter-associate urinary traction infection (CAUTI), change the catheter and then send a urine sample obtained from the new catheter for microscopy, culture and sensitivities (m/c/s). Antimicrobial therapy is more effective after the catheter has been changed (due to the biofilm that develops on a catheter that acts as a barrier to effective antimicrobial treatment).
- Where recurrent blockage occurs despite addressing above, refer to specialist urology or continence advisor or HHS RaSS for consideration of further investigation or management.
Assess vital signs and if vital signs are unstable (refer to Recognition of the deteriorating resident), refer to Management of residents with unstable vital signs. Where vital signs are stable, ensure blocked catheter is excluded (see practice point 2) and when catheter confirmed to be patent, assess the resident with the GP for causes of reduced urine output:
Cause Comments Pre-renal Hypovolaemia Dehydration – see Dehydration and subcutaneous fluids Bleeding – check for melaena or PR bleeding Third space losses – suspect in residents with abdominal pain Low cardiac output Heart failure Sepsis Suspect in residents with symptoms of an infection or fever Renal Nephrotoxic medications Recent change to medications e.g. commencement of antibiotics, NSAIDs or ACE inhibitors Worsening of chronic renal failure Suspect in residents with history of impaired renal function Post-renal In resident with catheter, confirm patency of catheter and that catheter position is optimal – see practice point 1 Ureteric obstruction Suspect if bilateral flank pain Faecal impaction Severe faecal impaction may impede urine output If clinical assessment of the resident is normal and resident appears well, trial increased oral fluid intake and if low urine output persists, perform blood tests to assess renal function. GP to consider with-holding nephrotoxic agents in interim to results being available and improvement to urinary output.
If concerns persist, consult HHS RaSS at GP discretion.
A bypassing catheter may be blocked so initial assessment should be undertaken to exclude a blocked catheter.
Where a catheter is determined to be patent but bypassing persists, assess with GP:
- Is the catheter bypassing:
- Acute or chronic?
- Episodic or continuous?
- If acute, has there been any change to:
- Catheter used?
- Amount of fluid used to inflate the catheter balloon and is this consistent with manufacturer instruction?
- Are there clinical features of a urinary tract infection (see Urinary tract infection pathway)?
- Is the catheter causing traction (pulling) on the bladder neck due to ineffective securing device or securing device placement?
- if episodic, is there associated pain consistent with bladder spasms?
Where bladder spasm is suspected, consider the following in consultation with the GP:
- Ensure catheter is secured with a dedicated securing device and the drainage bag well supported with leg straps or for immobile residents, on a bedside stand.
- Ensure balloon is inflated to the volume recommended by manufacturer.
- Encourage fluid intake where this is clinically appropriate.
- Treat constipation.
- Where bladder spasms persist and IDC / SPC continues to be indicated, consider an antispasmodic agent (e.g. oxybutynin) - however, this needs to be an informed decision as adverse effects include dry mouth, constipation, drowsiness, blurred vision, delirium and increased falls risk; where antispasmodic agent is contraindicated, seek specialist input.
- Is the catheter bypassing:
QH has developed a learning module to support clinicians in learning about management of the deteriorating resident. The learning module is available via QHs iLearn portal - RACF clinicians practicing in public or private RACFs in Queensland can access the module free of charge. You will simply need to register to create an iLearn account - find the link to register at the bottom of the iLearn account page - if you already have a log-in simply log into your iLearn account.
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Pathway Urinary catheter (IDC or SPC): trouble-shooting a blocked catheter Document ID CEQ-HIU-FRAIL-00022 Version no. 2.0.0 Approval date 19/06/2023 Executive sponsor Executive Director, Healthcare Improvement Unit Author Improving the quality and choice of care setting for residents of aged care facilities with acute healthcare needs steering committee in collaboration with Queensland Surgical Advisory Committee Custodian Queensland Dementia Ageing and Frailty Clinical Network (QDAF) Supersedes Indwelling urinary catheter: preparation for insertion and insertion Applicable to Residential aged care facility registered nurses and General Practitioners in Queensland RACFs, serviced by a RACF acute care support service (RaSS) Document source Internal (QHEPS) and external Authorisation Executive Director, Healthcare Improvement Unit Keywords Block urinary catheter, encrusted urinary catheter, blocked suprapubic insertion Relevant standards Aged Care Quality Standards:
Standard 2: ongoing assessments and planning with consumers
Standard 3: personal care and clinical care, particularly 3(3)
Standard 8: organisational governance