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Hyperglycaemia is associated with increased morbidity and mortality in residents of aged care facilities. Early diagnosis and establishing a management plan concordant with the residents goals of care may avoid preventable suffering.
The flowchart shows all of the information at one time. Health professionals should always remain within their scope of practice; these pathways should never replace clinical judgement.
Click the link below to view the full flowchart.
Practice points
A systemised documentation of expanded relevant information - use only in conjunction with flowchart / decision tree above - note you can access each relevant point from the flowchart / decision tree link.
Hyperglycaemia is defined as blood glucose level (BGL) of greater than 15 mmol/L in the older, frail person. Hyperglycaemia has adverse effects on cognitive function, hydration, wound healing, pain and infection risk. Untreated hyperglycaemia increases the risk of hyperosmolar hyperglycaemic state and diabetic ketoacidosis, which are medical emergencies with significant associated morbidity and mortality.
All residents with diabetes should have a blood glucose monitoring plan that tailors frequency and timing to individual need. Hyperglycaemia may be detected through routine checking of BGL.
Additional checking of BGL should occur in any resident with clinical features of hyperglycaemia, including:
- Polyuria (urinary frequency)
- Polydipsia (increased fluid intake or thirst - this is often absent in older people)
- Altered mental state
- Dehydration
- Poor wound healing
- Oral or genital thrush
Regular blood glucose monitoring to identify hyperglycaemia or hypoglycaemia should be undertaken in a resident with diabetes and any of:
- Recent change to insulin or diabetic medications
- An intercurrent illness such as infection
- Recent commencement of medications associated with hyperglycaemia (see practice point 3)
- Change in usual oral intake or physical activity
Red flags for deterioration or an underlying life-threatening cause / complication in residents with hyperglycaemia should prompt review of Management of unstable residents pathway.
Red flags include:
- Unstable vital signs including altered level of consciousness
- Severe dehydration: review Dehydration and subcutaneous fluids pathway
- Nausea and vomiting
- Deep sighing breathing pattern
- Seizures or development of acute focal neurological change (focal weakness, vision loss or other neurological changes)
- Severe abdominal pain
- Chest pain
The goals of assessment of a resident with hyperglycaemia are to:
A. Identify underlying causes of hyperglycaemia
B. Identify complications of hyperglycaemia
A. Identify the underlying cause of hyperglycaemia:
Examples of considerations include:
Assessment feature Differential diagnosis Chest pain Acute coronary syndrome or myocardial infarction Fever Infection or sepsis Delirium Infection or sepsis Respiratory symptoms (e.g.cough, shortness of breath) Consider COVID-19 Medication complication/s - Diabetes medications: missed or inadequate diabetes medication dosing
- Recent change to medications including addition of medication that may increase BGL - most common examples include:
- Corticosteroids (prednisone, cortisone, hydrocortisone, dexamethasone, budesonide)
- Antipsychotics
Recent hospitalisation Recent acute illness, trauma or surgery Diet Increased carbohydrate intake Changes to physical activity Reduced physical activity Stress Pain or psychological distress B. Identify complications of hyperglycaemia
Hyperglycaemia may be associated with the following complications:
- Dehydration - review Dehydration and subcutaneous fluids pathway
- Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) - DKA is more common in residents with type I diabetes or in those taking sodium-glucose transporter (SGLT2) inhibitors (e.g. dapagliflozin, empagliflozin or ertugliflozin). It is suspected clinically where there is:
- BGL greater than 15 mmol/L
- Blood ketones elevated
- Dehydration
- Rapid and / or deep breathing may be present
- Altered level of consciousness
- Hyperosmolar hyperglycaemic state - this is more common in type II diabetes. It is suspected clinically where there is:
- Persistently increasing blood glucose level
- Dehydration
- Altered level of consciousness or delirium or focal neurological deficits
- Seizures (focal or generalised)
- Electrolyte disturbance - consider blood tests to assess renal function and liver function
Escalate to HHS RaSS at GP discretion if any of:
- Presence of ketones (blood ketone monitoring is preferred as urine ketone monitoring is less accurate):
- Serum ketones greater than 1.5
- Urine ketones: moderate / large
- Sweet smelling "acetone" breath
- BGL persistently greater than 15 mmol/L for at least 4 hours despite treatment
- Abdominal pain
- Progressive worsening of dehydration
- Development of acute (or acute on chronic) renal impairment
- Electrolyte disturbance requiring replacement therapy
- Underlying cause that is beyond scope of GP / RACF to manage independently
- Presence of ketones (blood ketone monitoring is preferred as urine ketone monitoring is less accurate):
With GP review / develop individualised diabetes management care plan to address and reduce incidence of hyperglycaemia. Management targets should consider the resident's functional status, life expectancy and comorbidities. The care plan should include guidance for:
- BGL monitoring frequency
- Tailor monitoring to the individual resident's requirements and goals of care
- Increase monitoring pre-emptively when residents have an acute illness / change in condition or when medications associated with hyperglycaemia are commenced (see practice point 3)
- In general, monitoring should occur prior to meals and / or 2 hours after meals
Residents with stable blood glucose levels:
Resident features Recommended BGL monitoring frequency Diet-controlled diabetes At least daily, alternating times Oral glucose lowering medications At least twice daily,alternating times Insulin At least three times per day, prior to meals Residents with recent changes to medications:
Resident features Recommended BGL monitoring frequency Recently prescribed corticosteroids At least three times per day, prior to meals Recently prescribed antipsychotic medications At least daily, alternating times Residents with unstable blood glucose levels:
Resident features Recommended BGL monitoring frequency Escalation criteria present Two-hourly (prior to meals and 2 hours after meals) – review regimen daily No escalation criteria present Four-hourly for 24 hours – review regimen daily - BGL target range
- Generally 6 to 15 mmol/L is appropriate (with a HbA1C target of up to 8.5 per cent appropriate for frail older persons requiring insulin with a life expectancy predicted at less than 5 years)
- Individual residents' symptoms / signs of hyper- and hypoglycaemia and related management plans
- An individualised sick day plan including adjustment to glucose lowering medication doses. It is important to note that supplementary sliding scale or sporadic top-up insulin dosing is generally inappropriate in older and / or frail persons due to increased risk of hypoglycaemia. Instead, residents may require judicious adjustments to insulin dosing for the duration of their acute illness
- BGL monitoring frequency
- National Diabetes Services Scheme. Diabetes management in aged care: a practical handbook; 2020. https://www.ndss.com.au/wp-content/uploads/resources/aged-carediabetes-management-practical-handbook.pdf. Accessed April 2022.
- Dunning T, Duggan N, Savage S. The McKellar guidelines for managing older people with diabetes in residential and other care settings. Geelong: Centre for Nursing and Allied Health, Deakin University and Barwon Health; 2014.
- Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission. Services and supports for daily living:standard 4. 2019. https://www.agedcarequality.gov.au/sites/default/files/media/Guidance%20and%20resources_Standard%204.pdf. Accessed April 2022.
- Agency for Clinical Innovation. NSW Government. Diabetes management in residential aged care facilities during COVID-19: principles. https://aci.health.nsw.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0006/654387/Diabetesmanagementin-RACFs.pdf. Accessed April 2022.
- Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health. CADTH rapid response report: summary of abstracts: management of diabetes in long-term care facilities: guidelines. 2018. https://www.cadth.ca/sites/default/files/pdf/htis/2018/RB1238%20LTC%20Diabetes%20Management%20Final.pdf. Accessed June 2022.
- Munshi MN, Florez H, Huang ES, Kalyani RR, Mupanomunda M, Pandya N, et al. Management of Diabetes in Long-term Care and Skilled Nursing Facilities: A Position Statement of the American Diabetes Association. Diabetes Care. 2016;39(2):308-18.
- National Diabetes Services Scheme. Clinical guiding principles for sick day management of adults with type 1 or type 2 diabetes. 2020. https://www.adea.com.au/wpcontent/uploads/2020/09/Sickdays-_12.pdf. Accessed April 2022.
- Royal Australian College of General Practitioners, Australian Diabetes Society. RACGP and ADS joint clinical position statement: management of hyperglycaemic emergencies. 2018. https://www.racgp.org.au/getattachment/ebb0683e-fed4-4b90-b0bbe4f353399386/Management-of-hyperglycaemia.pdf.aspx. Accessed April 2022.
- Royal Australian College of General Practitioners. Management of type 2 diabetes in older people and residential aged care facilities. https://www.racgp.org.au/getattachment/ae9bdf51-7a91-4196-ac81-2980527ab65/Management-of-type-2-diabetes-in-the-elderly-and-r.aspx. Accessed June 2022.
- Van Brunt K, Curtis B, Brooks K, Heinloth A, de Cassia Castro R. Insulin Use in Long Term Care Settings for Patients With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Systematic Review of the Literature. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association. 2013;14(11):809-16.
Pathway Hyperglycaemia Document ID CEQ-HIU-FRAIL-00018 Version no. 1.0.0 Approval date 04/01/2023 Executive sponsor Executive Director, Healthcare Improvement Unit Author Improving the quality and choice of care setting for residents of aged care facilities with acute healthcare needs steering committee in collaboration with Queensland Diabetes Clinical Network Custodian Queensland Dementia Ageing and Frailty Network Supersedes N/A Applicable to Residential aged care facility (RACF) registered nurses and general practitioners in Queensland serviced by a RACF acute care Support Service (RaSS) Document source Internal (QHEPS) and external Authorisation Executive Director, Healthcare Improvement Unit Keywords Hyperglycaemia, diabetes, high blood sugar, diabetic ketoacidosis, DKA, hypertonic hyperglycaemic syndrome, blood glucose level, BGL, ketones Relevant standards Aged Care Quality Standards:
Standard 2: ongoing assessments and planning with consumers
Standard 3: personal care and clinical care, particularly 3 (3)
Standard 8: organisational governance