End of life management

This information does not replace clinical judgement. Refer to Conditions of use and copyright for further T&Cs.

End of life: recognising and managing the terminal phase of life. Use this pathway in conjunction with Queensland Government Residential Aged Care End of Life Care Pathway (RAC EoLCP).


The flowchart shows all of the information at one time. Health professionals should always remain within their scope of practice; these pathways should never replace clinical judgement.

Click the link below to view the full flowchart.

Practice points

A systemised documentation of expanded relevant information - use only in conjunction with flowchart / decision tree above - note you can access each relevant point from the flowchart / decision tree link.


    1. Residential aged care end of life care pathway (RAC EoLCP). Brisbane South Palliative Care Collaborative (BSPCC). v4. 2013.
    2. Australian Government, Department of Health and Ageing.. Guidelines for a palliative approach in residential aged care. Enhanced version. 2006. Canberra: Commonwealth of Australia.
    3. Cardona-Morrell M, Hillman K. Development of a tool for defining and identifying the dying patient in hospital: Criteria for Screening and Triaging to Appropriate alternative care (CriSTAL). BMJ Support Palliat Care. 2015;5(1):78-90.
    4. Glare P, Sinclair C, Downing M, Stone P, Maltoni M, Vigano A. Predicting survival in patients with advanced disease. Eur J Cancer. 2008;44(8):1146-56.
    5. Brisbane South Palliative Care Collaborative. Guide to the pharmacological management of end of life (terminal) symptoms in residential aged care residents: a resource for general practitioners. 2015. Brisbane: State of Queensland (Queensland Health).
    6. Palliative Care Australia, Alzheimer’s Australia, COTA Australia, Aged & Community Service Australia, Leading Age Services Australia, Catholic Health Australia and Aged Care Guild. Principles for palliative and end of life care in residential aged care. Accessed 3/08/2021.
    7. Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care. National Consensus Statement: essential elements for safe and high-quality end-of-life care. Sydney: ACSQHC, 2015.
  • Pathway

    End of life: recognising and managing the terminal phase of life

    Document ID CEQ-HIU-FRAIL-00013
    Version no. 2.0.0
    Approval date16/03/2022
    Executive sponsorExecutive Director, Healthcare Improvement Unit
    AuthorImproving the quality and choice of care setting for residents of aged care facilities with acute healthcare needs steering committee
    Custodian Queensland Dementia Ageing and Frailty Network
    Supersedes End of life V1.1.0
    Applicable to Residential aged care facility (RACF) registered nurses and General Practitioners in Queensland RACFs, serviced by a RACF acute care Support Service (RaSS)
    Document source Internal (QHEPS) and external
    AuthorisationExecutive Director, Healthcare Improvement Unit
    Keywords End of life, palliative, dying
    Relevant standards

    Aged Care Quality Standards:
    Standard 1: consumer dignity and choice
    Standard 2: ongoing assessments and planning with consumers
    Standard 3: personal care and clinical care, particularly 3(c)
    Standard 8: organisational governance, particularly 8(3)(e)

Last updated: 28 June 2023