Contact us


If you have a question about a referral or an appointment on your account, you can submit a query to the Hospital and Health Service directly via yourQH.

To submit a query:

  1. Log into yourQH and select either Referrals or Appointments from your dashboard


  2. Locate the appointment/referral that you wish to query
  3. Select Submit a query from the actions menu of the relevant referral/ appointment


Once you have entered all required information, the query will be sent to the clinic who will respond via yourQH. Depending on the urgency of your query, the clinic will respond within 2-5 working days.

Note: clinical information, such as pathology results or medications should not be shared via yourQH. If you have a medical question or concern, please contact your healthcare provider or 13 HEALTH (13 43 25 84).

Need additional support?

For general enquires, please email

If you require assistance by phone, please call 13 43 25 84 (13HEALTH).


Monday to Friday: 8am–7:30pm
Saturday: 8am–4:30pm
Excl. Sundays & public holidays

Compliments, complaints and feedback

Share a compliment or make a complaint about the application to

How to provide feedback

Go local first: contact the hospital, facility or service in question. Talking to the nurse manager, doctor or health professional of the area is often the easiest and quickest way to resolve the problem.

Feedback can also be provided via the Hospital and Health Services' website, whose links are provided below:

Last updated: 5 September 2022