Using The Viewer
Remember to log out of the Health Provider Portal when it’s not in use.
On this page
- Logging into the Health Provider Portal
- Searching for your patient
- Viewing patient information in The Viewer
- Troubleshooting web browser issues
- Technical assistance
- Providing feedback
Logging into the Health Provider Portal
- Launch the HPP
- From the HPP landing page, click Log in
- Enter your HPP credentials and click Log in
- You may be taken to a Share your details page. From here, select one of the options under Select your sharing preference and click Continue.
- Note, if you have selected ‘Always share…’ you will not see this page.
- Review and accept the terms and conditions.
Note: if you’ve forgotten your password, simply click the Forgot your password link and follow the prompts. Your Identity Provider will send you a temporary password in an email or SMS, depending on your preferences.
The following video shows how to log into the Health Provider Portal.
Searching for your patient
From the Search Patient page, there are various ways you can search for your patient’s information:
- their Medicare number, sex, date of birth and surname
- their DVA number, sex, date of birth and surname
- their unit record number (URN) and related facility
- from a previously saved patient list.
Once you’ve conducted your search and found your patient, you can click The Viewer icon to display their healthcare information.
The following video shows how to conduct a patient search.
Saved patient list
A saved patient’s list allows you to save your frequently searched patients to a list. To add a patient to your saved list, select Add to list from the action column of the table that appears once you’ve run your patient search.
Patients who have opted out
Patients have a choice to opt-out of having their healthcare information available to external health practitioners. This means they do not want their health practitioner to access their Queensland Health information.
If a patient has opted out, their status will appear as ‘Opted out’ in search results. The patient’s information will still be visible to Queensland Health clinicians.
Health practitioners can obtain their patients’ healthcare information using existing manual processes, such as requesting results from the hospital.
Patients can choose to opt-in or out of all practitioners or for specific health practitioner types anytime by calling 13 HEALTH (13 43 25 84). We have information for patients and consumers to help answer their questions.
Viewing patient information in The Viewer
Layout overview
The Viewer displays an aggregated summary of statewide healthcare information across Queensland Health (QH) facilities.
The Viewer tabs
The Viewer displays related encounter information in associated tabs. Within the application tabs, data is presented in rows that can be expanded and collapsed to show or hide information.
- The Viewer defaults to the AR/Alerts tab to ensure vital information about your patient is quickly accessible.
- Use the Filter function to find desired clinical information quickly. A filter is available in each tab apart from the Patient tab.
Available information
The table below details the clinical information that may be available for your patient through The Viewer.
The Viewer Tab | Available patient information |
Patient | Patient demographics and identifiers |
Problem list - emergency, inpatient, oncology, and mental health diagnoses | |
External participants and contacts | |
Private health insurance details | |
Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA) details | |
Mental Health Act records | |
Encounters | Inpatient admission including discharge summaries |
Emergency presentations including clinical notes and discharge letters | |
Oncology cases including care plans | |
Mental health cases and referrals including clinical notes | |
Outpatient | Specialist outpatient referrals and appointments |
Electronic referrals | |
Medications | Medication profiles including recommendations, Home Medicines Review community pharmacy details and inpatient medical records |
Anticoagulant therapy | |
Rheumatic heart disease register information | |
Alerts/ adverse Reactions | Adverse reactions |
Warnings | |
Alerts - includes mental health, aggressive behaviour, medications and oncology | |
Advance care planning/acute resuscitation plan | |
Pathology | Pathology Queensland reports and orders |
Medical imaging (Reports only) | Radiology reports |
Clinical reports (ECHO) | |
Manual document uploads e.g., exercise stress echo, fibroscan reports | |
Procedures | Operation notes |
Clinical cardiology reports including telehealth | |
Clinical endoscopy reports | |
Anaesthesia reports | |
Elective surgery waitlist information (ESWL) | |
Manual document uploads e.g., high-resolution manometry (HRM), respiratory reports, sleep investigation and cardiac reports, neurology reports (EEG and NCSR) | |
Care plans | Advance care planning and statement of choices (managed by Metro South) |
Ambulance management plan | |
Acute management plans | |
Advance health directive | |
Guardian | |
Police and ambulance intervention plan | |
Enduring power of attorney | |
Care plans | |
Manual document uploads e.g., respiratory thoracic reports, residential aged care facility goals of care plans, acute management plans | |
Event summaries | Oncology documents |
Paceart reports | |
Specialist outpatient letters including discharge summaries, referrals, assessments, progress notes and correspondence | |
Manual document uploads e.g., multi-disciplinary teams (MDT) oncology summaries, medications list, neurology reports (EEG and EMG), ICU deceased notification to GP letters, cardiac outpatient and outreach letters | |
ACP (advance care plan) tracker | Advance care planning (managed by Metro South): e.g., Advance Health Directive, guardianship, administrator, enduring power of attorney, statement of choices, advance care yarning, ACP Note. |
Troubleshooting web browser issues
When launching The Viewer in your web browser, a prompt may appear alerting you that a pop-up window failed to open. Simply follow the prompts of your web browser to trust The Viewer and allow the pop-up window to display.
Technical assistance
Monday to Friday, 8:00am-5:00pm
- general support, system enquires and feedback email
24-hour support, 7 days
- call 1300 478 439. Calls outside of business hours are escalated if patient care is impacted.
Providing feedback
The Viewer team collaborates regularly with clinicians and Queensland Health staff to ensure the app continues to meet their needs, and releases enhancements on a regular basis.
If you have a suggestion for how we could improve The Viewer, please send your idea via email to