Accessing The Viewer as an external provider

To access The Viewer, you’ll need to register and complete the verification process for the Health Provider Portal (HPP).

The Health Provider Portal (HPP) is the authentication service that enables validated eligible health practitioners to register for read-only access to The Viewer.

Using The Viewer, registered health practitioners can view public hospital information including appointment records, radiology and pathology reports, treatment and discharge summaries, demographic and medication details.

The registration process is the same for all eligible health practitioners.

On this page

Eligible practitioners

Only eligible practitioners practising in Queensland will be granted access to The Viewer.

This currently includes:

  • general practitioners
  • specialists
  • nurses
  • midwives
  • paramedics
  • pharmacists
  • optometrists.

Registering for the HPP

How to register for the Health Provider Portal

To register for the HPP, you will need to supply 100 points of personal identification.

Options include:

  • Australian driver licence
  • Australian passport
  • Birth/marriage/change of name certificate
  • Medicare card.

GPs and specialists will also need to provide:

  • an up-to-date Medicare provider number
  • Healthcare provider identifier-individual (HPI-I) registered with Queensland Heath’s Secure Transfer Service.

Prior to registering, you, or your practice manager, will need to ensure that details of your Medicare provider number and healthcare provider identifier-individual (HPI-I) are up-to-date and registered with Queensland Health’s Secure Transfer Service (STS). Refer to Medical Practice STS update form (PDF 442 kB) or Individual GP STS update form (PDF 337 kB)

All other eligible health practitioners will need to provide:

  • current Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) registration number showing you are an eligible health practitioner practising in Queensland
  • Healthcare provider identifier-individual (HPI-I).

Next steps

GPs and specialists only

Register your details with Queensland Heath’s Secure Transfer Service then follow the below steps for all practitioners.

All practitioners

  1. Register with QGov to get an identity provider account
  2. Enter your personal identity information
  3. Pass a 100-point check
  4. Allow your personal identity information to be shared with the Health Provider Portal
  5. Enter your professional identity information. Verification of your professional identity information will occur automatically.

Once registration is successful, you’ll be granted access to the HPP.

Why do we need an identity provider account?

To manage security and privacy, HPP relies on an identity provider (IdP) service to store and verify your identity. The account is necessary to authenticate your personal and professional identities every time you log into the HPP to access The Viewer.

Terms and conditions

When registering for the HPP, you must accept the terms and conditions. Queensland Health will conduct audits to ensure appropriate use of the information is being adhered to.

Read more information about privacy and security.

Register now

Already have an account? Log in.

Technical support

Name mismatch error

If your first or last name do not exactly match your identity provider, AHPRA and Queensland Health’s Secure Transfer Service (STS) address book (GPs and specialists only), you will receive an error message upon trying to register.

Who can I contact?

  1. For AHPRA, if your name requires updating with them visit AHPRA or call 1300 419 495, Monday to Friday between 9:00am and 5:00pm.
  2. For your identity provider, once you have successfully recorded your details and set up an account, you can modify your details via the 'manage your identity link'. You will be asked to supply documents to support the new information, or you can call your provider support line for assistance.
  3. For STS if this is due to a name change, e.g. marriage, you can contact 1300 478 439 or send an email to, with relevant identity document showing the name change.

Note: The Health Provider Portal and STS have identical identifiers, i.e. same numbers and same spelling of name.

Updating your details via your identity provider

If you’re a GP, your registration is linked to your principal place of practice. If you move workplaces, your access to The Viewer via HPP will not move with you.

To ensure you keep access to The Viewer, you or your practice must update your new practice details in the Queensland Health’s Secure Transfer Service (STS) before you leave.


How to change your username:

  1. Log in to your QGov account using your current username (email).
  2. Select Manage your QGov identity
  3. Enter your current password and your new username (email) under the Change username fields, select Continue to generate a confirmation code.
  4. The confirmation code will be emailed to your new email address. Enter the code into the Confirmation code field, select Continue. Note, the confirmation code needs to be entered immediately as it will expire.
  5. A message will display advising if the update has been successful, and an email confirmation will be sent to your new and previously listed email address.

Personal details

You can change your personal details by supplying documents that support the new information. To help protect your digital identity, you will need to provide a mobile number.

Before logging in on the QGov login or register page, select Manage your QGov identity:

  1. Log into your account.
  2. Select the Change your sharing preference link.
  3. You will need to enter a mobile phone number to receive a confirmation code before you can change your details. Enter the confirmation code received on your mobile phone into the Confirmation code field and select Continue.
  4. You may update your name as required. You will need to provide details from documents to support your change as you did when you first proved your details.
  5. Select Continue.

Professional registration details

To update your professional registration details:

  1. Log into your HPP account.
  2. Select Professional registration, listed in the top menu bar. This will display your existing details. You can update your Medicare provider number (MPN), AHPRA registration number, and HPI-I details here.
  3. Update the required field and save.

These details will be verified online with the relevant organisation.

Technical assistance

Monday to Friday, 8:00am-5:00pm

24-hour support, 7 days

  • call 1300 478 439. Calls outside of business hours are escalated if patient care is impacted.

Last updated: 30 September 2024