Allied Health Digital Transformation Roadmap

Digital Transformation is the process of implementing and embedding current and emerging technological advancements to improve efficiency, enhance value and embrace innovation. Globally, healthcare services are utilising digital innovations and data insights to deliver care that meets the needs of today’s patients and consumers. Allied health practitioners are committed to delivering high quality, client-centred care, and digital transformation will enable them to continue delivering this care over the next 10 years.

The Allied Health Digital Transformation Roadmap 2023-2033  (PDF 1751 kB) sets the direction and acts as a lever to achieve the strategic priorities under the digital transformation enabler of “Optimising the allied health workforce for best care and best value: A 10-year strategy 2019-2029”.

The Roadmap outlines the high-level initiatives that will progress the digital transformation of allied health service delivery and practice. It considers the diverse mix and expertise of allied health professions, workforce capabilities and strengths, and service opportunities in four key action areas.

The themes of Allied Health Digital Transformation are Digitally enabled care, Workforce capability and digital leadership, data informed planning and outcomes and digitally transformed research and innovation

Contact information

Office of the Chief Allied Health Officer

Phone: +61 7 3328 9298

Last updated: 17 October 2023