Provision of compression garments
Queensland Health provides compression garments for the treatment of lymphoedema to eligible Queensland residents.
Information for patients is available in the Provision of lymphoedema compression garments: Patient information sheet. (PDF 1045 kB)
Individuals are eligible if they meet all of the following criteria:
- Have been assessed as having lymphoedema
- Are aged 16 years or older
- Permanent resident of Queensland
- Be covered by a current Pensioner Concession Card issued by Services Australia, OR
- Be covered by a current Health Care Card issued by Services Australia, including as a listed dependent
- Are Medicare eligible or hold a Permanent Protection Visa or be asylum seeking (Subclass 866 Protection visa)
- Are an outpatient.
This is a minimum eligibility standard – some health services may provide garments for a broader group of clients. If you do not meet these criteria, it is recommended that you contact your local health service to confirm your eligibility. Details are available at
Queensland Health supports the implementation of the Queensland Health Guideline Compression garments for adults with lymphoedema: eligibility, supply and costing to assist people with lymphoedema in accessing compression garments. The Guideline provides recommendations regarding eligibility criteria and payment responsibilities for the provision of compression garments to adults with lymphoedema. This Guideline applies to all Hospital and Health Services (HHS), clinicians who prescribe compression garments to adults with lymphoedema, including eligible non-Queensland Health service providers, and the facilities which provide and/or are responsible for the payments of these garments.
For external/ non-Queensland Health referring healthcare practitioners:
- The Queensland Health prescription / order form must be completed by all non-Queensland Health prescribers. Prescriptions will be accepted from eligible clinicians only. The clinical prescription/order form must be returned to the "residential" Hospital and Health Service of the patient/consumer. To find a health care facility by region click here.
For more information regarding the supply of compression garments for eligible patients, contact the physiotherapy or occupational therapy department at their closest Queensland Health facility. Details are available at
The compression garment selection, fitting and monitoring education resources sits on the iLearn platform and is comprised of two components. Firstly, generalist therapists independently complete a self-guided learning package. Following this, therapists are required to link with a lymphoedema therapist for a period of supported practice. The supported practice guidelines provide a framework for this practice period, using a coaching approach.
To register for the education package:
- arrange a log in for iLearn at (if you do not already have one)
- go to "Browse Courses" on the top of the page, search for "compression garment"
- the (AHPOQ-C) Compression Garment Education Package will appear - click to enrol
Contact for further information about this course. For iLearn log in issues, please call 1800 198 175.