Clinical Task Instructions

Clinical task instructions (CTIs) describe the best practice process for undertaking delegated or skill-shared tasks.

CTIs are used for training and competency assessment and also for monitoring and governance of the delegated or skill-shared task.

The CTIs on this page have been developed using the Guidelines for developing and writing clinical task instructions, trialled by allied health teams, and reviewed for educational and clinical validity by allied health professional networks in Queensland Health.

CTIs should only be implemented in a local work unit that possesses a delegation or skill sharing framework.

The local framework should include safety, governance, evaluation and monitoring systems that will support the delegation/skill sharing model in the team or organisation. Components include training, competency assessment and review, delegation or workload allocation, communication, collaborative practice and supervision mechanisms, and description of the responsibilities and accountabilities of employees and the organisation.

CTIs can only be safely implemented if the healthcare provider implementing the CTI has training, competency assessment and ongoing supervision and support provided by a practitioner who is competent to deliver the clinical task.

Resources are available for developing safe and effective delegation or skill sharing models. For Queensland Health staff, further information is available on the OCAHO QHEPS site.

Clinical Task Instructions - Delegation

Note: The link to the Delegation Framework in the version control information in each document is being updated.  This CTI must be used under a delegation framework implemented at the work unit level. Access the Delegation Framework.

Clinical Task Instructions - Skill Sharing

Note: The link to the Calderdale Framework in the version control information in each document is no longer in use and being updated.  This CTI must be used under a skill-sharing framework implemented at the work unit level. Access the Skill-sharing Framework.

If access to unpublished CTIs is required urgently, please email

Contact information

Office of the Chief Allied Health Officer

Phone: +61 7 3328 9298

Last updated: 12 September 2024