Queensland Health Allied Health Child Development Project (2009-2011)
- Toolkit: Part 1 (PDF, 720KB) and Part 2 (PDF, 759KB)
- Appendix 1: DMOC Clinical Pathways (PDF, 41KB)
- Appendix 2: Definitions (PDF, 41KB)
- Appendix 3: Decision-making flowchart for CIO (PDF, 405KB)
- Appendix 4: Generic role description (PDF, 774KB)
- Appendix 5: Generic GP referral template (PDF, 198KB)
- Appendix 6: Issues log (PDF, 96KB)
- Appendix 7: Implementation update (PDF, 959KB)
- Appendix 8: Data collection tool (PDF, 440KB)
- Appendix 9: Instructions for Health Education evaluations (PDF, 602KB)
- Appendix 10: Instructions for client satisfaction surveys (PDF, 811KB)
- Appendix 11: Instructions for client satisfaction surveys (PDF, 416KB)
- Appendix 12: Stakeholder satisfaction survey - cover letter (PDF, 431KB)
- Appendix 13: Information flyer - parents/ carers (PDF, 367KB)
- Appendix 14: Resource manual (PDF, 773KB)
- Appendix 15: Referral guide (PDF, 557KB)
- Appendix 16: Intake proforma (PDF, 689B)
- Appendix 17: Complexity matrix (PDF, 86KB)
- Appendix 18.1: Clinical documentation Case discussion/ allocation proforma (PDF, 970KB)
- Appendix 18.2: Clinical documentation Clinical discussion proforma PDF, 139KB)
- Appendix 18.3: Clinical documentation Feedback proforma A (PDF, 215KB)
- Appendix 18.4: Clinical documentation Feedback proforma B (PDF, 218KB)
- Appendix 18.5: Clinical documentation Goal-setting proforma (PDF, 177KB)
- Appendix 18.6: Clinical documentation Collaborative team report (PDF, 464KB)
- Appendix 19: Non-attendance guideline (PDF, 131KB)
- Appendix 20.1: Correspondence Ineligible for service letter - to family (PDF, 112KB)
- Appendix 20.2: Correspondence Ineligible for service letter - to GP (PDF, 107KB)
- Appendix 20.3: Correspondence Appointment letter - multidisciplinary assessment (PDF, 119KB)
- Appendix 20.4: Correspondence Appointment letter - Health Education Sessions (PDF, 122KB)