Value-Based Health Care

Value-based health care (VBHC) is an evidence based, person-centred approach to support health care decision making and system transformation, with the aim of improving both health outcomes and the experience of care across a full care pathway for people, service providers, communities, health professionals and populations.

The Queensland Health Allied Health Framework for Value-Based Health Care (PDF 1970 kB) (the Framework) has been developed to support the implementation and adoption of VBHC in allied health services (and all health services) across Queensland. It is designed to be used by health professionals, managers, project leads, administrators and supporting staff within Queensland Health as they work with consumers and communities to transition towards VBHC-driven service delivery.Diagnram representing the cogs of value-based health care

The Framework was developed by the Office of the Chief Allied Health Officer, Clinical Excellence Queensland, in partnership with the Australian Hospital and Healthcare Association, and in close collaboration with the Queensland Health allied health community and consumers to ensure it reflects the unique context and health system structures of Queensland.

Contact information

Office of the Chief Allied Health Officer

Phone: +61 7 3328 9298

Last updated: 24 November 2022