What is STEPS?

Skills to Enable People and Communities  (STEPS) - word icon

The Skills To Enable People and CommunitieS (STEPS) Program
is a Queensland-wide information and skills program for adults aged
18-65 years with Acquired Brain Injury (ABI), including stroke, and
their families and friends.

The STEPS Program aims to improve community life for people with ABI
and their families, by connecting people together and fostering a sense
of strength and ability.

 STEPS icon - an Artists drawing of People on coloured steps

Would you like more information about the STEPS Program?

Our general description provides detailed information about the STEPS program and the links to assist you to make a referral to participate.

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STEPS Icon - an Artists drawing of people on steps - click here to return to the STEPS home page 

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Last updated: 5 May 2021