STEPS Leader Training
STEPS Program Leader Application Process | Print Friendly Version (pdf, 53kb)
The STEPS Programs trains, supports and supervises local people to become STEPS Skills Program leaders. STEPS Skills Program Leaders are a diverse group, all linked by their common interest in improving the experience of people with brain injury living in the community. Leaders might be:
- People with brain injury or stroke
- Family members or friends of people with brain injury
- Community members with an interest in brain injury or stroke. Examples include carer support groups, Lions clubs, church community groups.
- Service providers who work with people with brain injury or stroke. Examples include:
- government and non-government (NGO) health or disability services
- government and NGO community, welfare or education services
- volunteer services.
How Might I be Involved as a Leader?
If you complete the STEPS Skills Program Leader Application Process successfully, you will be required to attend STEPS Skills Program Leader Training. The training will typically run over 2 days (6 hours each day), however can be modified (e.g. 4 hours per day for 3 days) to suit individual needs. The training schedule will include:
- orientation and detailed information about the STEPS Program
- practical experience in delivering the STEPS Program, using the Leaders Manual and STEPS Skills Workbook
- skills and information about being a STEPS Skills Leader, including STEPS Skills Program Leader Role Description
- information about stroke and acquired brain injury
- the level of information, support and supervision that you can expect from us once you start delivering the STEPS Program to your group. This is especially important for you as leader of the group.
The training will be provided by staff from the Acquired Brain Injury Outreach Service who are health professionals with expertise in dealing with families and people with brain injury. There is no cost to you for this training. Training can be offered in your local community, and in flexible ways, depending on communities' different needs across Queensland.
How will Being a STEPS Leader Benefit Me?Your participation as a leader in the STEPS program will assist with:
- access to a group of professionals with expertise in brain injury for ongoing education and support about brain injury
- being part of a dynamic team of people working to improve the quality of life for people with acquired brain injury and their families and friends
- access to a peer support network of STEPS leaders throughout Queensland
- developing skills that might be useful for you in other areas, e.g. future work prospects
Applying to become a STEPS Program Leader
If you would like to apply to become a STEPS Program Leader in your local community please click on each of the links below to find out more detail about the STEPS Leader Training Program, the STEPS Program Leader Application Process and the STEPS Leader Support Network:
STEPS Program Brochure (pdf, 202kb)
STEPS Skills Program Leader Role Description (pdf, 57kb)
STEPS Skills Program Leader Training Program Outline (pdf, 75kb)
STEPS Skills Program Leader Manual and Resources (pdf, 84kb)
STEPS Program Leader Support and Supervision (pdf, 86kb)
STEPS Program Leader Network
STEPS Skills Program Leader Application Process (pdf, 43kb)
Upcoming Leader Training
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