Returning to Work after ABI
After a brain injury, it may be difficult to return to many different activities that you use to do. Many people find it difficult to return to their previous form of employment or join the work force after an ABI.
Synapse has a fact sheets about returning to work following an ABI which may be of some assistance:
Volunteering is a valuable activity that can serve as a meaningful occupation or as a step toward returning to paid employment. Some of the benefits of volunteering include meeting new people, testing readiness to return to work, practicing the use of strategies that you may have learned to overcome a difficulty, gaining work experience and new skills, becoming more involved in your community and best of all doing an activity you enjoy.
This ABIOS factsheet is designed to assist you through the steps that you will need to take to find a volunteering position that suits you.
Volunteering (pdf, 417kb)
Helpful Websites
Queensland Health has a webpage with information concerning returning to the workforce following illness or injury with links to organisations that may be able to assist
Go to Volunteering Queensland for assistance searching for volunteering options near you.
Return to Participation in the Community after ABI
Contact ABIOS