Self Directed Support Project
An evaluative project of a Self Directed Support Pilot Program implemented at the Acquired Brain Injury Outreach Service with funding from Disability Services, Department of Communities, Queensland Government. The aim of the program was to support people to develop life plans and goals and direct the expenditure of nominated funds to achieve those goals. The evaluation of this pilot program has been conducted in conjunction with the University of New South Wales as external evaluators.
Many people with acquired brain injury are limited in their life choices and directions by a lack of funds to support the achievement of life goals. Further to this, many individuals do not have the freedom to control their funds personally. Self Directed Support enables individuals to plan their support and lifestyle needs by controlling how their allocated funding is spent.
Self Directed Support has been implemented widely in the United Kingdom and in other states in Australia but has not been used widely in Queensland. Disability Services provided funding to support ABIOS in implementing a pilot project to explore how these processes could work for people with acquired physical disability including brain injury. The Self Directed Support Pilot combines elements of community inclusion and lifestyle planning to help individuals experience a level of significant change in their lives.
Young people aged 20-35 years with an acquired physical disability, including brain injury living in the Brisbane region
Key Features
The two year pilot was formally evaluated by an external consultancy at the University of New South Wales, ensuring impartial and robust evidence to inform potential service delivery of similar future initiatives. The Acquired Brain Injury Outreach Service has worked in conjunction with these evaluators to maximise the evidence emerging from the pilot.
Internally funded ABIOS contribution to evaluation combined with Disability Services funding of external evaluation.
Research / Evaluation Strategies
The internally developed scope of evaluation included:
- Quantitative assessment of functioning in areas of ability, adjustment, participation and resources as well as personal self efficacy at 3 monthly intervals throughout the period of the participant's involvement in the pilot.
- Process mapping of the implementation of the pilot and the ABIOS contribution to facilitation of the Self Directed Support initiative.
Outputs and Outcomes
Formal report of external evaluation produced by University of NSW
Self-directed funding supports provide individuals with opportunities and choices that were previously not available
Self-directed funding support can be impacted by aspects of the individuals functioning as well as service and sociocultural contexts
There are no publications to date for this project
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