ABIOS Publications
Book Chapters
- Kendall, M. (2013). Someone to care: Social support after brain injury. In H. Muenchberger, E. Kendall & J. Wright (Eds) (pp 71-85). Health and healing after traumatic brain injury: Understanding the power of family, friends, community and other support systems. Westport, CT. Praeger Press.
- Kuipers, P., Gauld, S., Kendall, M., Smith, S., & Bowen, R. (2013). The International Community-based rehabilitation model: A way of assisting people with brain injuries, their families and communities. In H. Muenchberger, E. Kendall & J. Wright (Eds) (pp 203-213). Health and healing after traumatic brain injury: Understanding the power of family, friends, community and other support systems. Westport, CT. Praeger Press.
- Muenchberger, H., Kennedy, A., & Kendall, E. (2013).Community leaders within a brain injury self management program: a valuable resource. In H. Muenchberger, E. Kendall & J. Wright (Eds) (pp 227-242). Health and healing after traumatic brain injury: Understanding the power of family, friends, community and other support systems. Westport, CT. Praeger Press.
- Ewing, J, Tinson, H.M., Fogarty, D.M., Jones, T.J., Morriss, E., Walmsley, C.J., Oram, J. (2010). The Mental Health Expert in Personal Injury and Workers Compensation Litigation. In I. Freckleton & H. Selby (eds) Expert Evidence: Sydney, Australia: Thomson Lawbook Co.
- Kendall, M. (2009). Through my rose coloured glasses: When disability strikes a health professional. In C.A. Marshall, E. Kendall, M. Banks & R.M.S. Gover (Eds)(pp. 99-110). Disabilities: Insights from across fields and around the world, Volume 2. Westport, CT: Praeger Press.
- Kendall, E., Kendall, M., & Muenchberger, H. (2009). Coping following traumatic brain injury: Lessons from autobiographical accounts. In C.A. Marshall, E. Kendall, M. Banks & R.M.S. Gover (Eds)(pp. 129-142). Disabilities: Insights from across fields and around the world, Volume 1. Westport, CT: Praeger Press.
- Ewing, J., Tinson, H.M., Fogarty, D., Jones, T.J., Morriss, E., Walmsley, C.J., Oram, J. (2005) The mental health expert in personal injury and workers compensation legislation. In I. Freckelton & H. Selby (eds.) Expert Evidence: Sydney, Australia: Thomson Lawbrook Co.
Journal Publications
- Brackenridge, C.L., Leow, C.K.L., Kendall, M., Turner, B., Valiant, D., Quinn, R., & Johnston, V. (2021). Exploring the lived return-to-work experience of individuals with brain injury: Use of vocational services and environmental, personal and injury-related influences. Disability & Rehabilitation, https://doi.org/10.1080/09638288.2021.1903101
- Ownsworth, T., Cubis, L., Prasad, T., Foote, M., Kendall, M., Oram, J., Chambers, S., & Pinkham, M. (2020). Feasibility and acceptability of a telehealth platform for delivering the Making Sense of Brain Tumour Program: A mixed-methods pilot study. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, https://doi.org/10.1080/09602011.2020.1826331
- Cox, R., Kendall, M., Molineaux, M., Miller, E., & Tanner, B. (2020). Consumer engagement in occupational therapy health-related research: A scoping review of the Australian Occupational Therapy Journal and a call to action. Australian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 68(2), 180-192. https://doi.org/10.1111/1440-1630.12704
- Ownsworth, T., Theodoros, D., Cahill, L., Vaezipour, A., Quinn, R., Kendall, M., Moyle, W., & Lucas, K. (2020). Perceived usability and acceptability of videoconferencing for delivering community-based rehabilitation to individuals with acquired brain injury: A qualitative investigation. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 26, 47-57.
- Gauld, S., Smith, S., & Kendall, M. (2018). Exploring the impact of sharing personal narratives of brain injury through film in Australian Indigenous communities. Edorium Journal of Disability and Rehabilitation 4:100037D05SG2018
- Ownsworth, T., Fleming, J., Tate, R., Beadle, E., Griffin, J., Kendall, M., Schmidt, J., Lane-Brown, A., Chevignard, M., & Shum, D.H.K. (2017). Do people with severe traumatic brain injury benefit from making errors? A randomized controlled trial of error-based and errorless learning. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair, 31(12), 1072-1082.
- Fleming, J., Ownsworth, T., Doig, E., Hutton, L., Griffin, J., Kendall, M., & Shum, D. (2017). Efficacy of prospective memory rehabilitation plus metacognitive skills training for adults with traumatic brain injury: Study protocol for a randomised controlled trial. BMC Trials, 18(3), doi:10.1186/513063-016-1758-6.
- Amsters, D., Kendall, M., Kuipers, P., & Schuurs, S. (2016). The Person Environment Profile: Preliminary development of a clinical tool for enhancing goal-based rehabilitation programs. Journal of Rehabilitation Process and Outcome, 5, 65-71 doi: 10.4137/RPO.S40455
- Kendall, M.B. (2015). Friendship: the forgotten relationship in the rehabilitation environment. Edorium Journal of Disability and Rehabilitation, 1, 12-15. doi: 10.5348/D05-2015-3-ED-3.
- Hendren, A.J., & Kendall, M.B. (2015). Impact of the role of senior dual disability coordinator on the perceived self-efficacy and job satisfaction of mental health clinicians. Disability and Rehabilitation, 37(25), 2330-2336. doi: · 10.3109/09638288.2015.1021020
- Kuipers, P., Doig, E., Kendall, M., Turner, B., Mitchell, M., & Fleming, J. (2014). Hope: a further dimension for engaging family members of people with ABI. NeuroRehabilitation, 35(3), 475-480.
- Turner, B., Kennedy, A., Kendall, M., & Muenchberger, H. (2014). Supporting the growth of peer-professional workforces in healthcare settings: an evaluation of a targeted training approach for volunteer leaders of the STEPS Program. Disability & Rehabilitation, 36(14), 1219-1226.
- Ownsworth,T., Fleming, J., Tate, R., Shum, D., Griffin, J., Schmidt, J., Lane-Brown, A., Kendall, M., & Chevignard, M. (2013). Comparison of error-based and errorless learning for people with severe traumatic brain injury: study protocol for a randomized control trial. BMC Trials, 14:369. http://www.trialsjournal.com/content/14/1/369
- Turner, B., Kennedy, A., Kendall, M., & Muenchberger, H. (2013). Supporting the growth of peer-professional workforces in healthcare settings: an evaluation of a targeted training approach for volunteer leaders of the STEPS Program. Disability & Rehabilitation, 36(14), 1219-1226
- Morris, E., Wright, S., Smith, S., Roser, J., & Kendall, M. (2013). Parenting challenges and needs for fathers following acquired brain injury (ABI) in Queensland, Australia: A preliminary model. Australian Journal of Rehabilitation Counselling, 19(2), 119-134
- Amsters, D., Kendall, M., Schuurs, S., Lindeman, M., & Kuipers, P. (2013). Allied health professionals as consultants: An exploratory study in an Australian context. The Internet Journal of Allied Health Sciences and Practice, 11(3). http://ijahsp.nova.edu/
- Fleming, J., Sampson, J., Cornwell, P., Turner, B., Knill, J., & Griffin, J. (2011). The insider perspective of brain injury rehabilitation: The experience of patients and their family caregivers. Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 19(2), 184-193
- Gauld, S., Smith, S., & Kendall, M. (2011). Using participatory action research in community based rehabilitaton for people with acquired brain injury: from service provision to partnership with Aboriginal communities. Disability and Rehabilitation, 33(19-20), 1901-1911.
- Kennedy, A., Turner, B., & Kendall, M. (2011). Growth in a 'new world': case studies of peer-leader experiences in the STEPS Program for people with acquired brain injury. Brain Impairment, 12(2), 152-164.
- Muenchberger, H., Kendall, E., Kennedy, A., & Charker, J. (2011). Living with brain injury in the community: outcomes from a community-based self management support (CB-SMS) programme in Australia. Brain Injury, 25(1), 23-34.
- Ownsworth, T., Fleming, J., Haines, T., Cornwell, P., Kendall, M., Nalder, E., et al. (2011). Development of depressive symptoms during early community reintegration after traumatic brain injury. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 17, 1-8.
- Turner, B., Fleming, J., Ownsworth, T., & Cornwell, P. (2011). Perceptions of recovery during the early transition phase from hospital to home following acquired brain injury: a journey of discovery. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 21(1), 64-91.
- Turner, B., Fleming, J., Ownsworth, T., & Cornwell, P. (2011). Perceived service and support needs during transition from hospital to home following acquired brain injury. Disability and Rehabilitation, 33(10), 818-829.
- Hillier, S., Comans, T., Sutton, M., Amsters, D. & Kendall, M. (2010). Development of a participatory process to address fragmented application of outcome measurement for rehabilitation in community settings. Disability and Rehabilitation, 32(6), 511-520.
- Ownsworth, T., Quinn, H., Fleming, J., Kendall, M., & Shum, D. (2010). Error self-regulation following traumatic brain injury: A single case study evaluation of metacognitive skills training and behavioural practice interventions. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 20(1), 59-80.
- Cornwell, P., Fleming, J., Fisher, A., Kendall, M., Ownsworth, T., & Turner, B. (2009). Supporting the needs of young adults with acquired brain injury during transition from hospital to home: The Queensland service provider perspective. Brain Impairment, 10(3), 325-340.
- Turner, B., Ownsworth, T., Cornwell, P., & Fleming, J. (2009). Re-engagement in meaningful occupations during the transition from hospital to home for individuals with acquired brain injury and their family caregivers. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 63(5), 609-620.
- Turner, B., Fleming, J., Cornwell, P., Haines, T., & Ownsworth. (2009). Profiling early outcomes during the transition from hospital to home after brain injury. Brain Injury, 23(1), 51-60.
- Kuipers, P., Foster, M., Smith, S., & Fleming, J. (2009). Using ICF-Environment factors to enhance the continuum of outpatient ABI rehabilitation: An exploratory study. Disability and Rehabilitation, 31(2), 144-151.
- Friday, C., Accoom, J., Smith, S., Gauld, S. (2008). Nyunu Dukul- Kiru Ngakaku (Looking after your brain): Brain Injury Project In Far North Queensland. Aboriginal & Islander Health Worker Journal, 32(5), 4-6.
- Smith, S., & Gauld, S. (2008). Brain injury project in Far North Queensland. Synapse, Summer, 29.
- Gauld, S & Smith, S. (2008) Two Remote Queensland Aboriginal Communities Access Allied Health Services through Brain Injury Project. RAIN (Rural Allied Health Information Network), Official newsletter of SARRAH (Services for Australian Rural and Remote Allied Health),16 (1).
- Wright, S., Roser, J., Smith, S., Gauld, S., Kuipers, P., & Kendall, M. (2008). The Brain Crew: An evolving support programme for children who have parents or siblings with an acquired brain injury. The Journal of Cognitive Rehabilitation. Fall; 25(3).4-11. http://www.jofcr.com/home.html
- Ownsworth, T., Little, T., Turner, B., Hawkes, A., & Shum, D. (2008). Assessing emotional status following acquired brain injury: the clinical potential of the Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scales. Brain Injury, 22(11), 858-869.
- Turner, B. J., Fleming, J. M., Ownsworth, T. L., & Cornwell, P. L. (2008). The transition from hospital to home for individuals with acquired brain injury: A literature review and research recommendations. Disability and Rehabilitation, 30(16), 1153-1176.
- Turner, B., Ownsworth, T., Turpin, M., Fleming, J., & Griffin, J. (2008). Self-identified goals and the ability to set realistic goals following acquired brain injury: a classification framework. Australian Occupational Therapy Journal, 55(2), 96-107.
- Turner, B., Fleming, J., Cornwell, P., Ownsworth, T., Haines, T., Kendall, M., Chenoweth, L. (2007). A qualitative study of the transition from hospital to home for individuals with acquired brain injury and their family caregivers. Brain Injury 21(11), 1119-1130.
- Simpson, G., Fosters, M., Kuipers, P., Kendall, M., & Hanna, J. (2005) An organizational perspective on goal setting in community-based brain injury rehabilitation. Disability and Rehabilitation 27, 901-910.
- Kuipers, P., Kendall, M., Fleming, J., & Tate, R. (2004). Comparison of the Sydney Psychosocial Reintegration Scale (SPRS) with the Community Integration Questionnaire (CIQ): psychometric properties. Brain Injury 18, 161-177.
- Kuipers, P., Carlson, G., Bailey, S., & Sharma, A. (2004). A preliminary exploration of goal setting in community based rehabilitation for people with brain impairment. Brain Impairment 5(1), 30-41.
- Kuipers, P., Foster, M., Carlson, G., & Moy, J. (2003). Classifying client goals in community-based ABI rehabilitation: a taxonomy for profiling service delivery and conceptualizing outcomes. Disability and Rehabilitation, 25(3), 154-162.
- Kuipers, P., Kendall, E., & Hancock, T. (2003). Evaluation of a rural community-based disability service in Queensland, Australia. The International Electronic Journal of Rural and Remote Health Research, Education, Practice and Policy.
- Kuipers, P., Kendall, E., & Hancock, T. (2001). Developing a rural community-based disability service: (I) Service framework and implementation strategy. Australian Journal of Rural Health, 9, 22-28.
- Kuipers, P., & Lancaster, A. (2000). Developing a suicide prevention strategy based on the perspectives of people with brain injuries. Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation, 15(6), 1275-1285.
- Kuipers, P., Kennedy, A., & Smith, S. (1999). Networks of support: Adapting the 'circles' approach to formal community based acquired brain injury rehabilitation. Journal of Cognitive Rehabilitation, Jul/Aug, 6-9.
Published Abstracts
- Black, G., Kendall, M., Lancaster, A., Morriss, E., Roser, J., Smith, S., & Wright, S. (2009). Parenting after brain injury: A pilot study [ABSTRACT]. Brain Impairment 10(1), 122.
- Kendall, M., Quinn, R., & Staskiewicz, J. (2009). Understanding the changing community care needs of people with acquired brain injury: New horizons in conceptualising community care. [ABSTRACT]. Brain Impairment 10(1), 126-127.
- Turner, B., Ownsworth, T., Cornwell, P., & Fleming, J. (2009). Re-engagement in meaningful occupations during the transition from hospital to home for individuals with acquired brain injury and their family caregivers. [ABSTRACT]. Brain Impairment 10(1), 126.
- Turner, B., Wisniowski, C., Kendall, M., & Quinn, R. (2009). Successful community discharge following prolonged hospital admission for individuals with acquired brain injury: How can we improve the process? [ABSTRACT] Brain Impairment 10(1), 111.
- Kendall, M., & Quinn, R. (2007). Assessing the availability and utilisation of 'resources' in community rehabilitation for people with acquired brain injury [ABSTRACT]. Brain Impairment 8(1): 87.
- Kennedy, A., & Wright, S. (2007). Steps to enable people and communities: Self-managed support networks for people with brain injury and stroke in Queensland [ABSTRACT]. Brain Impairment 8(1): 86.
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