National Disability Insurance Scheme Project (NDIS)

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is a recently introduced choice-driven policy aimed at enriching the lives of people with disabilities. This study aims to understand the application of the NDIS for community-dwelling people with acquired brain injury in accordance with its stated missions, objectives and charters.

Inadequate disability support systems have existed in Australia for decades and the NDIS represents one of the most significant attempts to address this issue. However, it is notoriously difficult to predict how a policy such as the NDIS will materialise in the real world. For people with acquired brain injury, this is particularly relevant as impairments are often not visible or easily defined and measured.

An objective of the NDIS is to offer individuals choice and control in the management of their NDIS plan. Research is needed to investigate how these objectives are working in practice for people with brain injury, their families, the planners and service providers at the forefront of providing funded services.

Individuals with acquired brain injury who are eligible for NDIS funding, their family members, NDIS planners and service providers

Key Features
This study uses a policy implementation theoretical frame of reference to guide the investigation

Multiple case or cross case design facilitates exploration of complexity across cases

Specifically focussed on policy implementation and providing evidence to inform such

This project is internally funded by ABIOS

Research/Evaluation Strategies
Case study methodology- multiple case or cross case design to explain causal links in complex real life situations such as the confronting people disability navigating the NDIS

Up to 12 specific cases of individuals with acquired brain injury who are eligible for NDIS funding, their family members, planners and service providers will participate across Queensland in line with the rollout of the NDIS

Analysis of cases will occur at the individual, site and systemic level and process tracing will be used to evaluate causal links between specific events and processes

Data collection will occur from a range of sources including interviews, NDIS documentation and forms and review of client records.

Outputs and Outcomes
The study uncovered a range of benefits and challenges for people with acquired brain injury accessing the NDIS.

Themes aligned with the various stages of engagement, namely access, planning, implementation and review. Key recommendations have emerged regarding the need to consider acquired brain injury as a complex disability.

A publication is in preparation.

There are no publications to date from this project

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Last updated: 24 April 2021