Metacognitive Skills Project
A study to evaluate the effectiveness of a metacognitive skills intervention in improving the community outcomes of people with ABI
Metacognitive skills such as self awareness, self monitoring and self exploration are commonly impaired following ABI as is the social environment of the individual
Metacognitive skills and the social environment of the individual are, in many instances, amenable to rehabilitation unlike other outcomes
Evaluation of interventions that target both metacognitive skills and contextual factors is necessary to develop an appropriate evidence base
Adults with moderate to severe ABI recruited from post-acute ABI rehabilitation services
Key Features
Evaluation of different group and individual metacognitive contextual intervention formats to improve home and community re-engagement
Identifying the association between awareness of deficits and rehabilitation intervention outcomes
Intervention based on the conceptual framework of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health that recognises the importance of context in determining outcomes
Pilot study funding provided by Griffith University
Conducted in association with the School of Psychology, Griffith University and the Department of Occupational Therapy, University of Queensland
Research / Evaluation Strategies
Randomised controlled trial
Outputs and Outcomes
Findings suggested that by targeting error self-regulation, metacognitive skills training can promote independence on complex tasks
PublicationsOwnsworth, T., Quinn, H., Fleming, J., Kendall, M., & Shum, D. (2010) Error self-regulation following traumatic brain injury: A single case study evaluation of metacognitive skills training and behavioural practice interventions. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation 20(1),59-80
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