Long Term Community Care Project
A study examining the predictors of long term care needs in the community for people with acquired brain injury
People with acquired brain injury and their families often experience difficulty accessing the long term support and care they need in the community
Unlike physical disability, the care needs of people with acquired brain injury are often hidden, hard to define and difficult to predict
In order for people with acquired brain injury to have their care needs met, research is needed to establish the extent of community care need following acquired brain injury and identify the factors that predict these care needs
People with acquired brain injury, their family members and their rehabilitation providers, Insurance providers (CTP, Workcover)
Key Features Identification of the extent and nature of long term care needs in community for people with acquired brain injury from the perspective of the person with brain injury, their family members, rehabilitation providers and insurance providers
Identification of the factors that influence and predict the community care needs of people with acquired brain injury
Develop recommendations for funding of community care needs and support for people with acquired brain injury
Pilot study funded internally by ABIOS
Community Rehabilitation Research Scheme Funding (2007)
Research / Evaluation Strategies
Initial pilot study conducted using quantitative measurement of community care needs and potential predictors of care needs
Qualitative analysis (grounded theory) of the factors contributing to community care needs using in-depth interviews with people with acquired brain injury, family members, rehabilitation providers and insurance providers
Retrospective and prospective quantitative measurement of community care needs as well as rehabilitation outcomes and personal and environmental factors as potential predictors
Outputs and Outcomes
Funding report completed and multiple conference presentations have disseminated findings to national audiences.
58 people with ABI and 50 significant others participated in the quantitative phase. 13 participants with ABI and 13 significant others participated in the qualitative phase.
Findings highlighted ongoing needs for practical, emotional, and informational support for people with ABI and their families.
The provision of emotional support decreased over time.
A model for assessing care was developed
There are no publications to date for this project
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