Website and Resources Links
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Australian Brain Injury Websites and Resources
Brain Injury Australia is the peak acquired brain injury (ABI) advocacy body representing, through its State and Territory Member Organisations, the needs of people with an acquired brain injury, their families and carers. It works at a national level to ensure that all people living with acquired brain injury have access to the supports and resources they need to optimise their social and economic participation in the community
Synapse (formerly the Brain Injury Association of Queensland) is a peak disability organisation which promotes brain injury awareness and coordinates a range of services in Queensland. Now located in West End, Synapse has a library you can access all over the state and regular newsletters. They also have a large number of fact sheets on various ABI topics that can be accessed online. For further information, please phone (07) 3137 7400 in Brisbane or free call 1800 67 3074 if you are outside Brisbane.
Working with ABI (Acquired Brain Injury) Self Training Website and Working with People with Traumatic Brain Injury are websites developed by Paul Bullen, Management Alternatives Pty Ltd initially in close collaboration with the Brain Injury Rehabilitation Directorate, Agency for Clinical Innovation, NSW Health; the NSW Department of Community Services: Ageing Disability and Home Care; the Liverpool Hospital Brain Injury Rehabilitation Unit; the Acquired Brain Injury Services NSW Inc (previously Wareemba Community Living); and Synapse (formerly the Brain Injury Association of NSW ). The site was been funded by the NSW Department of Family and Community Services : Ageing Disability and Home Care. The Brain Injury Rehabilitation Directorate, a clinical network of the NSW Agency for Clinical Innovation provided project management. These two websites provide self learning modules for helping support workers and other working with people with Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) and Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) improve their skills.
Liverpool Brain Injury Rehabilitation Unit - Sydney Based Brain Injury Rehabilitation Program for adults. Has a good range of fact sheets on the website.
The Brain Injury Association of Tasmania (BIAT) - is a non-government, state-wide, not-for-profit organisation that has a range of members. BIAT is a member of the national body for brain injury, Brain Injury Australia (BIA) - and while based in Hobart, BIAT aims to provide its services to all regions of Tasmania. Their website has some links to publications, resources and services that may be of assistance
Brain Link, a Victoria based service for people with Acquired Brain Injury (ABI), has a comprehensive resources section including fact sheets which you can download.
Acquired Brain Injury Service - a Victorian service which specialises in alcohol related brain injury
The Stroke Foundation - is a not-for-profit organisation that works with government, health professionals, patients, carers and consumers on minimising the impact of stroke on the Australian community.
The Brain Foundation - was established by members of the Australian Association of Neurologists and the Neurosurgical Society of Australasia - has some good information on stroke and tumours.
Cancer Council Queensland - provides a range of fact sheets and newsletters on brain and spinal tumours. They also run support groups and education days. Ph 13 1120
International Brain Injury Websites and Resources
Brain Injury Association of America has a large website with lots of information for adults, children, carers and professionals. There are a range of books and resources for sale and an extensive resource links section.
The Stroke Network - is a world wide internet based support and information service. You can chat online, receive newsletters and ask advice.
The Society for Neuroscience is a not for profit membership organisation of scientists and physicians who study the brain and nervous system. They have a number of publications with up to date information.
Ohio Valley Center for Brain Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation - Rehabilitation centre for people with traumatic brain injury which specialises in drug and alcohol prevention and rehabilitation.
Headway, UK - support and information service for those living in the United Kingdom.
Centre for Neuro-Skills - is a rehabilitation program in the US, but the website contains information and resources on brain injury that may be helpful and of interest
Lash and Associates Publishing/Training Inc are the largest producers of information on Brain Injury
Departments, Organisations & Agencies
The NDIS or National Disability Insurance Scheme is being progressively introduced across Australia to support eligible people with intellectual, physical, sensory, cognitive and psychosocial disability to get the support they need so their skills and independence improve over time. To apply you will need to complete an application and provide the required documentation.
The Australian Government Carer Gateway offers information, support and links to services for anyone who is a Carer for someone with a disability
Carers QLD - a support and information service for carers of adults and children with a disability. Has great Carer Information packs on anything from respite, through to finances and developing a home safety plan. Carer Resource Centre Phone: 1800 242 636, or for Brisbane callers: 3843 1938.
Epilepsy Queensland - Since 1969, Epilepsy Queensland Inc has been dedicated to improving the quality of life of people with epilepsy and their carers/families through advocacy, research, support and information.
The No Interest Loans Scheme provides interest-free loans for individuals or families on low income. It’s a community-based program that enables people to access fair, safe and equitable credit for the purchase of goods and services. NILS is generally for the purchase of essential household items like a fridge, washing machine, TV, bed or clothes dryer. NILS may also be provided to meet other essential needs like health aids or education costs. NILS is not for emergency relief, bond or rent money, living expenses or debt repayment.
Medical Benefits Scheme - Primary Care Items (Formerly the Enhanced Primary Care (EPC) Program) - People with chronic medical conditions and complex care needs managed by their GP under a Chronic Disease Management plan may be eligible for a number of allied health services each calendar year. Contact Medicare on 132 011 or visit the website for more information
Australian Governments My Aged Care services provide support services for people over the age of 65. Contact the My Aged Care Information Line on 1800 200 422 or visit the website for information, services and organising an assessment
Australian Indigenous HealthInfoNet - . The Australian Indigenous HealthInfoNet is a national innovative internet resource that is a 'one-stop info-shop' for people interested in improving the health and wellbeing of Indigenous Australians. It makes published, unpublished and specially-developed material about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health freely available to everyone to enhance their knowledge and skills.
Beyond Blue - provides a national focus on depression its impact through the provision of information, resources and support or you can contact their information line Ph. 1300 22 4636
The Melbourne Mindfulness and Stillmind Counselling Centre website also contains a number of relaxation and mindfulness exercises that can be downloaded for free.
Community Wellness at MIT Medical also has a website with free downloads to assist people with issues in the areas of poor sleep, stress, relaxation and mindfulness.
Lifeline - charity based counselling service (telephone and face to face) who provide support and referral to range of organisations.
Kids Helpline - free 24 hour telephone and online counselling for young people 5-18 years and have a good resource database and activities section. They have recently redeveloped their site to include a 'Grownup's' section with the broader community in mind
Bravehearts website - has resources for parenting
Australian Childhood Foundation - Every Child is Important Program initiatives including seminars and information on parenting
Life Tec Queensland - Equipment Information, education and advisory resource service to assist families and professionals in choosing the right piece of equipment including wheelchairs, hoists, computer technology and personal care items. You can visit them and try out all the devices or call on the advice of Occupational Therapists who staff the centre, which is located in Newmarket, Monday to Friday.
Phone: (07) 3552 9000 or 1300-885-886
Ability Technology - is a Sydney based computer and technology service (Assessment, sales and advice) for people with special needs.
Phone: (02) 9907 9736
QLD TAFE disability support information - TAFE offers a variety of supports (in class help to counsellors) to help you choose a course and complete it.
TAFE Queensland Brisbane:
TAFE - Skill Tech:
The Australian Disability Clearinghouse on Education and Training (ADCET) provides resources and support to improve the accessibility of students with disabilities and resources for Higher Education Teaching Staff to better support students with disability. ADCET is currently throwing down a challenge to the Universities sector and the Vocational Education and Training providers within Australia to experience some accessibility features in their everyday work and life
Sunshine Coast Community Directory - Great resources for the entire Sunshine Coast. Alternatively contact My Community Directory Phone: 1300 762 515
Transport Department of QLD - Issue licences, registration for your car and disability parking stickers to make it easier to park for those that have limited mobility. TransInfo gives information about public transport. Phone: 13 12 30 or
Relationships Australia - Offers counselling (individual or group) on a range of subjects including relationships, parenting, and violence and gambling. The website has some interesting wisdoms on a range of relationship matters. Phone: 1300 364 277.
Mensheds Australia - help connect men with their communities and mainstream society providing support in relation to mens health, isolation, loneliness and depression
Emerging Minds - Provides access to mental health resources translated into various different languages.
Life Supports Counselling Service have counselling services for a number of issues
Reclink - rebuilding lives through sport and arts
The Bladderbowel website has links to the application for assistance throught the Continence Aids Payment Scheme (CAPS)
Epilepsy Association - provide information and support to individuals and the community about epilepsy.
Anglicare - provides a range of crisis and longer term services for people in need.
Phone: 13 26 22
Better Relationships - provides counselling and family support in Woolloongabba, Brisbane with a focus of multicultural services. Phone: 1300 114 397
Legal or Financial in Queensland
Motor Accident Insurance Commission (MAIC) is the regulatory authority responsible for the ongoing management of the Compulsory Third Party (CTP) scheme in Queensland. Forms and info to assist you in making a CTP (personal injury) claim.
QLD Law society - can help you find a solicitor - eg an accredited personal injury solicitor.
Public Trustee of QLD - provides services including administration of deceased estates, providing financial management for people with a disability and giving aid in any legal proceedings by or against a disadvantaged person.
The Queensland Civil and Administration Tribunal (QCAT) began its operations on 1 December 2009 amalgamating 23 jurisdictions into one tribunal, providing a single gateway through which the community can access justice.
One of the jurisdictions of QCAT is in the area of declaring an adult’s decision making capacity and appointing a responsible adult to make some or all personal and health care decisions for the adult, ensuring their rights are protected. Adult guardianship matters were previously dealt with by the Guardianship and Administrative Tribunal.
Safety & Prevention
The Centre for Accident Research and Road Safety - research collaboration between MAIC and QUT to look accident/injury prevention with a particular interest in youth and risk taking behaviour.
Australian Transport Safety Bureau - has all the statistics and policies for reducing the rate of accidents on our roads.
Think First Foundation - a US website for the prevention of injuries including brain and spinal injuries.
Professional Associations and Publications
Australian Society for the Study of Brain Impairment - (ASSBI) has a national conference every year
Centre for Outcome Management in Brain Injury (COMBI) online resource for those needing detailed information in regards to outcome measures for brain injuries
Case Management Society of Australia (CMSA)
Cochrane Collaboration - produces and disseminates systematic reviews of healthcare interventions and promotes the search for evidence.
The International Brain Injury Associaton (IBIA) is dedicated to the development and support of multidisciplinary medical and clinical professionals, advocates, policy makers, consumers and others who work to improve outcomes and opportunities for persons with brain injury. Brain Injury Journal is the official research journal of IBIA.
OT Australia (Occupational Therapy)
Australian Physiotherapy Association
Australian Psychological Society
Australian Association of Social Workers
Speech Pathology Australia
Australasian College of Behavioural Optometrists
Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation
Interactive Sites for Kids
Neurosciences for Kids
Dialogue for Kids
Brain Pop
Kids Health For Kids and for Teens
Australian Site - Focus Education