Information for Children

The Acquired Brain Injury Outreach Service (ABIOS) works in Queensland with adults who have had an Acquired Brain Injury and their families.

ABIOS developed an education program for children about the brain and brain injury that is called Brain Crew.
Please contact us if you have any questions or if you are interested in knowing more about using the Brain Crew Program resources.

There are also a number of other good resources available to help the children of an adult with an Acquired Brain Injury to gain a better understanding about how the brain works and how an injury to the brain may affect how a person is able to function. Following these links for resources designed specifically for children:

child looking through a magnifying glass


children looking at websites on a labtop


Artists drawing of the Brain Crew charaters

Our Brain   Websites for Children
about the Brain
   About Brain Crew

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Last updated: 12 July 2022