ABIOS Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Program Direct Client Services

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A brain injury can affect a person in a lot of different ways, making the way they function in their lives different to how they were before the injury.  These changes can have a huge impact on families as well.

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The Acquired Brain Injury Outreach Service (ABIOS) works with people with acquired brain injury living in the community and can provide assistance to them, their families and the services who work with them.  We see people who have been recently injured as well as those who were injured many years ago.

Some of the difficulties people commonly have after a brain injury include:

  • Problems remembering things, e.g. medication, appointments, what they have been doing or what they need to do
  • Problems getting started on doing things
  • Being easily distracted
  • Changes to vision, hearing, senses
  • Fatigue, being tired a lot
  • Understanding the changes
  • Changes in speech and language
  • Changes to behaviour

ABIOS works face to face with people who live within a 150km radius of Brisbane.  If you live further away we can talk with you and your family by telephone or computer.

ABIOS works from a Community Based Rehabilitation model with a strong focus on meeting the needs of people with brain injury in their own communities.  ABIOS works to build sustainable supports around people that can include family, friends, the NDIS, health services and disability services. What we do depends on each person’s unique situation.

Referrals to ABIOS can be made by individuals, families, professionals, and doctors – the telephone number is below.  The person with brain injury needs to consent to this referral.

ABIOS is a service for adults with brain injury. If you want information about services for children, we may be able to direct you to more appropriate services.


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Last updated: 12 July 2022